25. Kidnap?

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I don't know why but I enjoyed writing this chapter.
Make sure you have read the previous chapter.
And this is the 25th chapter!
And do comment on the dialogues to let me know how it is.
Happy reading!
Aarav's POV

I slowly tiptoed to the guest room with Ari behind me.

"Stop bumping me." Ari hissed in front of me.

"Sorry." I whispered and glanced behind me as I heard footsteps.

Aria stopped moving and turned around in a slow-motion like in the horror movie.

"What?" I whispered.

"You just said sorry." She uttered shocked widening her eyes.

I rolled my eyes at her drama and made her look forward.

I was shocked too that how that word rolled out of my tongue that easily.

We tiptoed in the mansion as if we were professional burglars.

The CEO of the world's topmost company is roaming around his own house like a burglar. Great!

A shadow appeared in front of us and we immediately backed up hiding behind the pillar. It was two of the guests, we waited till they were out of sight. They went away after a few mins of stupid gossip with each other. Breathing a sigh of relief I sneaked inside the guest room. Aria told me she will wait outside and see if anyone is coming.

Rhea slept without any worry in the world. She didn't even bother to change her dress or redo her hairdo as she looked the same as she was at the party but with just no make-up right now.

"Tigress?" I whispered patting her shoulder.

She didn't move an inch.

"Rhea?" I called out a little louder this time shaking her shoulder.

"Rhea? Wake up." I tried again shaking her a little more.

She just turned around with a content sigh and caught my hand which was on her shoulder, entwining our finger she just held it between her head and pillow and slept.

I became extremely still.

She was sleeping like a koala who will not get up for the next 3 months at least.

"What the heck are you doing?" Aria whispered yelled from the door frame as she frantically looked left and right.

"She is not waking." I yelled back whispering.

Why the fuck is she not waking up?

"Just pick her up." Aria exclaimed casually.

"What? No." I looked as if she as lost her mind.

She glared at me.

That shut me up.

The other woman except for Rhea whose glare always makes me do things is Aria without speaking most of the time as the eyes speak more than words.

Slowly pulling my hand out from her clasp, I tugged the blanket on her putting them on another side of the bed. Keeping the hand around her waist and beneath her knees, I hoisted her up. Her hands were let down. Not wanting to hit her into the walls, I walked her to the door and said Aria to arrange her hands on her stomach. When done with that I sighed a relief and walked behind Aria who was looking for any guests and slowly walked to my room.

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