47. Anything For You

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Make sure you have read the previous chapter.

Happy Reading!
Aarav's POV

"I want you Aarav," Rhea whispered as she stared at me earnestly.

For a second I even forgot I was handling a drunk Rhea.

Because her grey eyes looked so pure and sincere.

I was staring at her without blinking my wide eyes as if I had encountered a ghost.

"Aarav?" She uttered again in her soft voice breaking my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied in a trance as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I asked you something." She stated placing a gentle kiss on my neck making my spine stiffen and then leaning back to see my facial reaction. A coy smile adorned her lips.


What was the question again?

Let me repeat it for you she said she wants you. My conscience mocked me.

Well, I wouldn't say no. But

What?? Are you drunk or is she? My conscience yelled at me going insane at my answer.

Let me complete my sentence.

I was saying it's the alcohol talking so it's definitely a no.

I would be the happiest between both of us if it happened with her consent in a clear mind and not just because of an overwhelming sense to do it when she was not in her right mind.

But I could lure her into answering me by not answering her question but by giving her a tinge of what she wants.

Because that is my priority right now.

I looked at her eyes which had a burning passion.

I didn't answer her question and just captured her lips in a gentle kiss and pulled her to myself wrapping her in my arms, she moaned into the kiss at my gesture and tightened her hold on my neck as she plastered herself to me completely.

We kept kissing each other as if we both were trying to consume each other.

She broke the kiss abruptly and her fingers hooked at my top shirt button.

I stared at her gasping for air and she started to unbutton my shirt in haste. When she was at my mid-button I clasped her hands between my palms stopping her.

She looked at me confused.

"On one condition you can go ahead," I stated in a serious tone.

She nodded pouting at me making me melt in her cuteness.

"Why do you want a divorce?" I asked joining our foreheads together.

She froze at my question and her eyes clashed with mine with an unknown emotion.

"You can trust me, you know that right?" I pushed her buttons again trying my best to crack her.

She bit her lower lip as if she is been holding back.

"I care for you and I lo- like you so much Rhea that I can't see you hurting," I uttered slowly as I rubbed her back in slow strokes to comfort her.

A silent tear rolled down her cheeks and I wiped it with my thumb.

"Tell me tigress." I probed her to answer me again.

"No don't call me that." She said pushing at my shoulders as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

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