Bonus Chapter - 4

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(Bonus of Chapters 29 & 30)

Rhea's POV

What the hell is wrong with you Rhea?

Why would you inspect him like that? Like he was an alien or something?

I patted my cheeks and covered my face as I groaned into it wanting the earth to open and swallow me.

He is going to think you are a weirdo.

Trying to drown out the embarrassing situation, I slipped into the shower and took the longest shower of my life. Hoping against hope that Aarav was not out there.

And, how the hell did me and Aarav end up sleeping together? I mean not literally. But how did we end him in my bed?

I walk out of the stall still scrambling my brain for any memories from last night. But nope. My pea-sized brain said, not this time ma'am. Because you were drunk as fuck.

I reach for my towel beside the shower stall, only to realise I didn't bring anything.

Slow claps for me everyone.

I smack my head and think what to do. After quite a long deliberation and self-talking, I decided to peak out of the Bathroom first.

I painfully slow open the door and peek out and sigh in relief when I see no one in sight. Including Aarav. Cheers to my fate for being favourable at least once in my life.

But something catches me by surprise, just as I am about to step out of the door, my foot hits something. I look down and see my towel and an oversized T-shirt. I pick it up and I even see my undergarments hidden inside my T-shirt.

My eyes widen when I realise Aarav might have picked them up from my trolley. Because he was the only one who saw me locking myself in the bathroom.

Did he pick...everything? Including my undergarments?

Oh god.

How embarrassing can my life get?


Stomping my feet, I change into the clothes and tie the towel around my hip, because there were no bottoms in the clothes pile which Aarav brought. I go to my trolley pick up a jogger and change into them.

After applying some moisture and putting my hair into a bun. I open my door only to get startled when I see Aarav there with his hand raised in the air as if he were about to knock. "Oh my god. You gave a heart attack for a second." I tell him gasping keeping a hand on my heart. He just chuckled.

I open the door further and he enters my room, his eyes running over my attire. My face heats up as I try to be oblivious to his stare. " need something?" I ask him finally and his eyes cut to me.

"Huh...nothing." He says clearing his throat, looking away and turning to walk out. He takes a few steps before coming back. I look at him waiting, "Do you remember what happened yesterday?" He asks catching me off guard.

Just the question I was expecting. Thank you, Aarav.

"Huh-" I wet my lips as I searched my brain for an answer. But I come with no answer or memory of yesterday. Except for me getting blindingly drunk after some amount of alcohol. "Nope," I answer him chuckling awkwardly.

Wait, does that mean even he doesn't remember what happened last night?

Was he also drunk?

Aarav let out of sigh which almost sounded relieved, "Okay good." He says turns and walks out of the room. I stand there frozen.

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