50. Solace - Part -1

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Surprise! Surprise!

Hi. Yes, I am alive. *looks at the angry readers gulping*

And also I did update yesterday night at 10:15 around but my chapter hadn't got uploaded so today morning I again shift everything to another draft and uploaded it.

I swear I will update regularly this time as the book is ending.
*Chuckles nervously looking at the blank stares she gets*

Just a few chapters and the book will end. *Sniffles into her kerchief* and I have already completed writing all the chapters. Just editing is left. *Cries hysterically*

And Guys!!! *Screams at the top of her lungs*
We have crossed 100k reads!!!! *Squeals dancing like a mad woman*

I was so overwhelmed and shocked when I saw the readers count.
Thank you guys for supporting and making it happen.

Also a big welcome to all the new readers.

And my story is trending in many categories..!!!
*Runs around her room shouting hysterically*

No amount of words can explain how happy and thankful I am to you guys.
Lots of love to you people.
Keep supporting guys.

I Apologise for the late update I had many personal issues going on so. *Runs away shouting with angry readers behind her*

Happy Reading!!!!!
Aarav's POV

I froze momentarily as soon as I opened the door.

Six faces were grinning at me with their tooth on display and waving at us as if this was the first time they are seeing us in their entire life existence as I stared at them shocked.

And four more faces were smiling at us warmly though I couldn't return the same gesture.

Let's say I just had a brain-freezing moment.

"Hi." Our not-so-useful friends and my wonderful sister Aria grinned at us widely waving cheerfully at us and almost slapping Dhruv and Ansh across their faces in the process.

"What th-" I was cut off mid-way as Rhea pinched my back from behind as she came forward to greet our unannounced guests.

I winced pressing my lips in a thin line to suppress any sound at her gesture and nursing my back with my palm.

Ouch. That hurt.

I looked at her accusingly which she blandly ignored.

Wow. I can already see my future in a long run.

She widened her eyes gesturing me to shut up before turning to our family and friends who showed up suddenly for God knows what reason with a polite smile.

Great timing guys.

Appreciate it.

I just stared at them blankly masking my irritation and anger and shock though I was one step away from doing something. Anything.

"Hi, princess. " Rhea's parents greeted her happily and their eyes shone longingly as if they didn't see her just yesterday.

For God's sake, she was staying at their place for the past 3 days.

I can't believe this.

I can feel god laughing at me from above.

"Hi, Dads. Hi Moms." Rhea greeted our family enthusiastically as if she was very happy to have them barge into our private moment.

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