29. I like you.

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Rhea's POV

It's 10 pm. The whole day went in a blink by Aria demanding different things or rather ordering her brother or brothers. She asked Aarav to cook her favourite food. And he cooked all her favourites and she became emotional *period hormones* on how he remembered it. And damn it was such delightful lunch. And she asked Ansh and Dhruv for the Gryffindor sword. She is a Potter's head by the way so they both ordered it for her with some additional Harry Potter supplies. But she spent most of the time sleeping since she as her periods.

Apparently, Alina and Niki have also brought gifts to Aria but they didn't tell me.


I ordered Aria a purse designed by her favourite designer since I got to know from Aarav that she collects purses and bags. Which must reach by next to the mansion. I hope she loves it.

"Hey." Aarav said coming out of the bathroom wiping his hair. I stood in the balcony of his room sipping hot chocolate since the weather was getting cold.

"Hi." I greeted back taking a seat on the swing.

"You didn't go for the campfire?" He enquired as he threw the wet towel on the mattress inside.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue at his behaviour.

I hate when people does that.

Giving the cup to him, I went inside and took the towel away from the bed putting it on the cloth drying stand on the balcony.

I was about to take my drink back, but Aarav was sipping it casually standing by the rail gazing at the sea.

"Hey. That's mine." I reached out for the cup but he raised it high smirking.

I pursed my lips in annoyance. He sipped it again. I stomped my feet irked and moved into the room.

I was about to step out of the room when a hand latched around below my neck around my shoulders pulling me back into the room. My back collided with Aarav's front as he chuckled holding me stronger.

"Why do you get annoyed so easily?" He chuckled as I tried to come out of his hold.

Clasping his wrist, I rotated it resulting in it twisting it behind his back. As I took the cup from his other hand.

"Because I learnt from the best." I mumbled in his ears.

He again chuckled deeply and a smile unknown to me appeared on my face.

"Of course." I let go of him. And he faced me rubbing his wrist.

"How do you do that?. When did you learn such tricks?" His tone amused.

"Well, after my high school. During my undergraduate. You know, self-defence." I explained uneasily as I sipped the drink.

"Hmm-hmm." His brows frowned in suspicion as he sensed my uneasiness.

Please don't ask anything more about it.

"Let's go then." I went out saying before he could implore more about it.

I reached the shore. All our friends sat in a circle with a bonfire in the middle. Dhruv had a guitar. And they had a stash of drinks and snacks and some were drinking it as they chatted with each other. Soon Aarav joined me and he didn't talk to me anything but just nodded towards our friends I nodded. We sat down in the sand, Aarav sat beside me and I smiled at him surprised and he just winked at me.

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