36. Missed me?

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So *clears her throat*
I was not well so it took me a week to write the next chapter. Sorry for the late update.
To compensate for it I will be uploading another chapter tomorrow.
Happy Reading!
Sorry for any typos.
And make sure you have read the previous one.
Aarav's POV

"It's the Ahuja brothers sir." Mathew exclaimed as he indicated towards a picture where I saw Varun shaking hands with an unknown person.

"And he is the person who hit Mrs Singhania's car." He finished with a straight face.

"Why would they do that? Even after knowing that I will not leave them alive." I scoffed turning the pages.

They wouldn't even dare to glance at our company then.

Now, what got into them suddenly?

"Sir maybe because they want that international project of Mr Steve Hart which many companies will be competing for next week. As it may take their company to the top in no time." He said frowning his brows.

"And they don't want me to get that project so they did this filthy plan so that I will skip the meeting next week." I snickered at their stupid plan.

They think by doing this they will stop me from attending the meeting.

Now, I will get all the projects they are involved in making them go bankrupt.

They shouldn't have done this.

And now they pay for it.

And I will make sure they would regret their deed.

"Looks like they just dug their own grave, Mathew." I gave the file back to him smirking.

"Thanks for the details. Now Dismiss." He gave a curt nod and left the mansion.

I will deal with them in my way.

He did a wrong move by hurting Rhea.

And both the brothers will repent it.


"...yeah. That too. I don't care. I need every detail of all their projects." I banged the hand on the study table yelling.

"Yes. By tomorrow morning." I pinched the bridge of my nose to control my anger.

"Yeah. The meeting also must be postponed tomorrow. Request them for it. I don't care what you do. And book my tickets for the next flight."

My Secretary Rohan was acting dumb. He stuttered every single time he called me to ask any of his stupid doubts.

And my patience hung loose on a thread.

I am sure he would have heard an earful from me if he was present in front of me.

"And don't call me after this. I have important work. Ask Mathew if you have any doubt regarding why we are snatching Ahuja's projects and why I am asking Mr Steve hart to preponed the meeting." I instructed and hung upon him.

I straight away went to the kitchen to get Rhea's lunch.

Because that's more important.

Anju aunty was instructing the cooks as they served into a plate.

I was about to take the plate and leave when Rhea's words echoed in my mind.

She too lost someone close to her.

I faced her and she looked at me startled but composed herself as she looked at me expectantly.

"Thank you. And sorry for not understanding you." I mumbled not looking at her.

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