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It was about 8:30 at night and I had nothing to do because my older sister, Rosè is out in a date with her boyfriend so I'm home alone.

I had nothing better to do so I got snacks and got all set in the couch ready to binge watch a drama I have been dying to watch.

Right when I was about to click the play button on the remote the door opened and I heard crying? I got very confused and looked over to the door and saw Rosè crying.

This surprised me because she is usually a very happy girl and I've only seen her cry a few times and it's when something bad happened. I was very alarmed.

"Rosie? Are you ok" I asked when I said this she dropped her things and ran upstairs and I went after her.

I got into her room and she was crying into a pillow on her bed. I went over and sat beside her and rubbed her back.

"Rosie you need to talk to me. Are you ok? What happened?" I asked her about to cry I hate when people are sad.

"S-sunoo he used me!" She said sitting up and then cried even more.

"Oh no that horrible" I said and pulled her into a tight hug until she felt better.

"What happened exactly?" I asked once she was a bit calmer.

"He called me over to his house and then told me we had to break up and when I asked why he said because he was back with his ex and he only used me to get her back. I mean I did see she got jealous and even tried flirting with him but what kinda sick bitch messes with a girls feelings?" She answered and I felt sad just hearing this story.

I never really got to meet Rosie's boyfriend because they both go to high school and I don't yet until September.

After she fell asleep and I went to call my best friend, Jungwon. He is the person I talk to when anything happens he is my gossip buddy

"Hi Sunoo what's up" Jungwon asked with his usual cheerful voice.

"I have news about Rosè and her boyfriend" I said with a bit of a sad tone.

"Ohh what happened?" Jungwon asked intrigued by what I just said.

"Ok so she came home a bit ago crying" I said

"Rosè Noona was crying?" He asked confused I've known Jungwon my entire life so even he knows Rosie never cry's often.

"Yeah so I got worried and quickly went after her and turns out her boyfriend broke up with her because he went back with his ex" I said walking around my room.

"Why would be go back with his ex? Like weren't they in love?" Jungwon asked and it sounded like he thinks I'm crazy.

"Because he used her to make his ex jealous" i said and Jungwon gasped really loudly.

"Well damn that's really bad is Rosie Noona ok? He asked. I don't know why but Jungwon and Rosè have had some strange connection.

"I don't know she fell asleep but she was crying a lot and I don't know what to do" I said and slumped down on my bed and sulked.

"Just wait until tomorrow she will be a calmer once the wound has time to heal" he said even though Jungwon may act a bit immature at times he does give good advice.

"Ok thank you Jungwon" I said and we bid our good byes and we hung up.

That was months ago and since then I've never seen Rosè smile or really seen much of Rosè because she is always in her room.

I hope all goes well tomorrow because it is the first day of high school.

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