Chaper 9: Confused

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It's been a week since Riki and I have started dating or whatever you wanna call it. I don't understand he sometimes ignores my text or calls and only acts like we are actually dating when we are at school.

But everyone expresses love in a different way so I shake it off and get ready for school.

Of course met up with Jungwon bit this time we were also with Jake because Sunghoon was running late.

When we got to school we met up with Riki and Jay, but Riki just treats me like a friend until suddenly he grabbed me by my waist and held me close to him.

Riki pov
We met up with Sunoo, Jungwon and Jake.
I saw Jiwon so I pulled Sunoo closer to me to make it seem like we are a real couple.

At break everyone was talking to each other but I was looking at Jiwon and her boyfriend In disgust. It's no fair obviously this Sunoo thing isn't working.

And you might think Niki would stop messing with Sunoo but your wrong.

He is just going to have to make it more obvious that they are "dating".

After school I took Sunoo to my house I needed to be around him more and act like a couple so he does get suspicious.

"Sorry I haven't answered any of your calls. I've just been so busy with dance" I lied thankfully it's a very good lie.

"Oh it's ok Jungwon has been asking me to help him with Jay so I haven't really been around either" Sunoo said and pecked my cheek.

I felt a smile creep onto my face and my cheeks heat up.

Wait! What the fuck I don't like him like that I'm just using him to get Jiwon back.

I thought and then grabbed Sunoos hand to walk to my house together.

I had a fun idea, so I picked Sunoo up from behind and took him to the couch and sat Sunoo on my lap.

No one's pov
Sunoo was sitting on Rikis lap but they were facing each other. Riki took this moment to kiss his "boyfriend's" lips. Sunoo got surprised but then responded quickly.

Riki held Sunoo tightly by his waist while Sunoos arms were around Rikis neck. Once they broke the kiss Riki pulled Sunoo close to him.

"I love you" he whispered in his ear. All Riki was speaking was the truth. He just didn't know.

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