Chapter 14: It's not ok

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                            Riki pov
I stomped away from my friends down the hall heading to class as they chased after me.

"Riki stop running" Sunghoon asked out of breath but I didn't stop walking and ignored his request.

"Riki stop and listen" Jay said and I finally turned around and glared at them.

"Why! Why should I you ruined everything" I yelled trying my very best not to cry.

"We have said we're sorry a million times" Heeseung said still catching his breath.

"But it fixed nothing Sunoo's still mad and Jungwon and Jake won't let me anywhere near him" I said and my eyes got glassy.

"I know we were wrong about everything but you can't stay mad at us forever" Sunghoon said and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah your right I can't be mad at you forever" I said and walked closer to them. "But I can be mad until I get Sunoo back and watch me I will" I added and then walked away to class.

But of course I couldn't focus so many questions filled me mind.

How could Sunoo just believe my friends?

Did he never really trust me?

How am I ever going to get him to forgive me?

But none of these questions I had and answer to. I had no idea what I was going to do. In one day I lost everyone.

I lost my boyfriend and my friends all because I was being stupid and immature and thought that playing with Sunoo would get someone back that in the end I didn't really love.

But the biggest problem I had to face now was the one and only Jungwon.

He is so protective of Sunoo he probably won't leave his side until I'm gone. As long as Jungwons around Sunoo won't leave a room without Jungwon there.

I will honestly never be able to get Sunoo alone. If Jungwons not there Jake will be.

I groaned and plopped my head I to my arms on my desk. It's going to be next to impossible to get Sunoo to trust me again.

But that doesn't mean I'm giving up.
Here is an update this has been a lot longer than I originally thought but I guess that's not a bad thing.


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