Chapter 11: Tattletale

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                            Jay pov
I've started to get really worried about Sunoo. So I talked to Heeseung and Sunghoon and we are going to tell Sunoo he is being used. Yes we said we would stay out of it but now we aren't sure.

When Sunoo got here we sat him down.

"You guys seem worried is everything ok" he asked and I looked at the Heeseung and Sunghoon.

"Um Sunoo I don't know how to tell you this but... Um Riki is just using you to get his ex back" I said and Sunoos face fell.

                        Sunoo pov
My eyes widened and my heart sank.

"H-he is just using me" I said looking at them with nothing but sadness in my eyes.

"We're sorry. We only found out a bit ago we tried not to tell you but we couldn't imagine you being sad we had to say something" Sunghoon said and hugged me.

I didn't want to cry, not here not now. I broke the hug.

"I should go see Jungwon" I said getting up.

"Are you ok" Heeseung asked.

"Yes I'm fine Heeseung" I lied to him but his face didn't look like he was buying my act.

"Are you sure" Jay asked me with a worried expression.

"Yes I swear" I lied and managed to put on a smile.

Once I got outside I started crying. How could he just use me after everything. I trusted him but I'm so dumb I let him make me believe he actually liked me.

I had to call Jungwon.

"Hi Sunoo" Jungwon said with his happy voice normally that would take away all my problems but not today I was too hurt.

"I can't believe he would do this to me Jungwon" I cried over the phone.

"What do you mean what happened" he asked and sounded worried yet angry at the same time.

"I-its Riki he just used me" I cried even more.

"What but I thought he loved you" Jungwon said.

"Me too but I guess not" I said but when I said it it just made me more sad.

"That bitch how dare be mess with my best friend" Jungwon said and I swear he is plotting Riki death.

"It's fine Jungwon there isn't anything we can do" i said wiping my tears.

"I could kill him" Jungwon suggested.

"I just can't believe it" I said and blinked back  tears that were about to fall.

"You know what I'll call Jake and we will come to.your house" Jungwon said suddenly much calmer.

"No you don't need to my heart break my problems" I said sadly.

"Listen bitch how long have I known you your problems are my problems I will get Jake and be at your house" Jungwon said.

"Ok fine I'll see you later" I said.

"Ok bye" he said.

Jungwons the best he can always help me when I'm sad but now I'm not sure this is too bad it hurts to much I don't even think Jungwon can make me feel better. And if Jungwon can't help me you know it's really bad.

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