Chapter 13: Bitch

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                       Jungwon pov
We woke up on Sunoos floor. Sunoo had tears on his cheeks. I woke him and Jake up because it was a school day and we might be late.

"Good morning Sunoo I don't mean to make things worse but we have to go to school soon" I said and Sunoo fluttered his eyes open.

"Ugh school and school means classes and class means R-riki" he said and hugged Jake crying again.

"Listen Sunoo as much as I want to help you have to stop crying for when we get to school" I said and rubbed his back.

"Your right I need to stop crying over that bitch he doesn't love me so I shouldn't love him" Sunoo said and pulled away from Jake and wiped his tears.

"Let's go then" I said and we started getting ready to leave.

I'm going to do all I can to in my power to keep my precious Sunoo safe from Riki and any of his friends.

When we got to school Jake and i linked arms with Sunoo. We saw Riki and his friends coming up to us. So I unlinked arms with Sunoo.

"Jake you just keep him happy I will talk to these assholes" I said to Jake and he nodded before walking off with Sunoo.

"Hi won is Sunoo ok he seemed like he was crying" Riki asked and I glared at him.

"Yes he was crying and it's all your fault" I said fuming.

"But what did I do" he asked totally oblivious to what he has done.

"You should asked yourself and if your that dumb ask your friends" I said and pointed at his friends that were behind him with guilty faces before I stomped off to go see Sunoo and Jake.

                           Riki pov

"You should ask yourself and if your that dumb ask your friends" Jungwon said to me I looked at them and they looked guilty.

"What. did. you. do." I asked my friends and they all looked down.

"Um we kinda told Sunoo you were using him because we were worried" Jay said and my jaw dropped.

"But I told you that I wasn't anymore" I said on the verge of crying.

"We were worried ok" Sunghoon said to me.

"You know guys thanks a lot this is the first boyfriend I've actually loved and you just ruined it" I said and ran off to find Sunoo.

Finally I found him.

"Sunoo I need to talk to you" I said out of breath from running.

"Stay away from him" Jake said and stood between us.

"Sunoo you have to listen" I begged him but he just sat at his desk with his arms crossed and a pissed expression on his face.

The bell rang.

"Goodbye Riki" Sunoo said in a cold tone and then my friends came to me and pulled me out of the class.

But I didn't want to have anything to do with them. They ruined everything I had with Sunoo and I can never forgive them.
I hope you liked this chapter even though I thought it is kinda boring. Bye.

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