Chapter 3: Trouble

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When I got inside the first class was just me, Jake and Jungwon so I was pretty calm for not having to put up with Riki and his friends this early in the morning.

I could pay attention to the class without anything distracting me, but that won't last long because the next class is only me and Riki so the rest of the day with be bad hopefully I won't have to talk to him, I mean there is no reason because the project is finished.

But I'm most likely wrong because both of my friends have some special connection with his friends.

When the class was over me and my friends went to our lockers to get what we needed for our next class.

"So Sunoo I see you have the next class with your boyfriend" Jake said while Jungwon laughed.

"He isn't my boyfriend" I snapped but they didn't care.

"Oh yeah sure" Jungwon said shutting his locker.

"Says you aren't you about to date Jay" I said and this caused Jungwon to shut up and blush.

"Ha who's laughing now" Jake said smiling.

" Oh says you! You are the one with an actual boyfriend" Jungwon said and Jake just scoffed and laughed a bit.

"Ok enough we are going to be late for class and you will be late to see Riki" Jake said pointing at me with a teasing smile.

"Ok well thank you for my daily dose of teasing from the two of you but I should get going" I said and picked up my things before running up the gall to my class.

I sat down and totally forgot that I sit next to Riki which just made my day. Now there is more of a chance of him talking to me..

During the entire class I couldn't focus. I was zoned out the entire time and had no clue what the teacher was talking about but I didn't care I was lost in my thought.

"Kim Sunoo!" The teacher yelled making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh" I said and blinked a few times I could hear a few people snickering but I was very nervous I couldn't care.

"Do you have the answer?" She asked with her arms crossed and lips pursed.

"What was the question?" I asked nervously while the kids instead of snickering just started laughing.

She sighed before writing up my detention slip. Then someone butted in.

"Um actually miss it was my fault I distracted him by talking" Riki said and I looked at him in confusion because he hadn't spoked a word to me all day.

"Well then both of you can have detention after school. I suppose you might think twice before talking through my class" she said while Riki and I nodded.

But still through the rest of the class I couldn't focus. All I could think of was that I just got in TROUBLE and not even that I have to be stuck with Riki. Just us. All alone.

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