Chapter 7: Happy

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Once we got inside Jungwon and I were very out of breath. This class is just me and Riki which normally I would be disappointed about but honestly I'm excited for this.

"Ok so we will be off to class you two have fun~" Jungwon said and walked off with the boys with a stupid smile on his face.

"What's with him?" Riki asked me.

"He's Jungwon who knows what going on inside his mind" I said and grabbed his arm to turn him around to the direction we have to go in. "But we don't need detention again so let's go".

"But I liked having detention with you" he said and cutely pouted.

"That's not what I mean Riki" I said and turned his face away.

He started chasing me to class when we got outside the classroom he caught up to me and started tickling me.

If you weren't apart of out friend group you would think we are dating.

"Come on Riki we are right outside the class someone might see" I managed to say through giggles.

"Ok fine" Riki said and let go of me.

We walked into the classroom and the teacher wasn't there which was good because I didn't want detention again even though I had fun with Riki.

After class we walked to the cafeteria together. Riki placed his arm around my waist as we walked but I didn't mind because I do have a small crush on him. Oh shut up.

We sat down and Jungwon kept giving me teasing looks but I was too happy to care.

Riki pov

I was having fun with Sunoo but that was until my ex, Jiwon came in with some guy.

They looked like a couple but I shrugged it off because my and Sunoo act like a couple even though we aren't.

That's until I saw them kiss. The rest of the day I was very unhappy. I wanted Jiwon back but what could I do?

After school I was going to Jays house and we were able to get Sunghoon to hang out with us instead of Jake.

We were sitting on the couch and they were playing a video game together on the tv.
I was too upset to play.

So instead I decided to complain to someone and that someone was Jay.

"I mean come on I don't know that guy but he is so ugly I can't even" I said.

"Uh huh" Jay said obviously not listening but I didn't care.

"What should I do Jay?" I asked desperately.

"I don't know use Sunoo to make her jealous or something I don't know" he said. He didn't mean it he was just distracted.

"Ok I should. It couldn't hurt" I said.

But little did they know that it would hurt, it would hurt a lot.

I'm sorry about this chapter. I hope you like it because I don't. I thinks it's boring.

Please give me feedback because I'm not very confident about this book so far.

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