Chapter 2: I Don't

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I woke up this morning a felt like my feelings for Riki had faded, which I was very pleased about. Of course Riki is not a bad person but I don't fully trust him and it's not like we are close.

So with that I got up and checked on Rosè but she was still sleeping normally I would wake her up but I want her to feel better so I let her rest.

After I got ready Rosie got up and quickly got ready and we left on time. I stopped to get Jungwon on my way because it's just down the street from my house so I got him and we kept walking.

"So I heard you went to Jays house to finish the project" I said and smiled teasingly while his cheeks gained a hue of pink.

"Oh please don't make this a thing nothing happened" he said and rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Mhmm" I said and nodded.

"Wow Sunoo you just really can't let this go can you?" He asked me but it looked like he wanted to laugh.

"No I won't because I know you are lying and I want to know what happened" I said and pouted.

"Ugh fine something did happen" he said and started smiling stupidly.

"Tell me tell me" I begged and smiled wondering what could've happened between the two.

"Well we both confessed but decided to wait because we just met but are planning to hang out more often so we get to know each other" he said and the light pink tint on his cheeks turned into a dark pink.

"Damn Jungwon seems you had a good night" I said.

"But enough about me I see you went to Rikis house last night" Jungwon said and smiled teasingly.

"Oh please trust me nothing happened between us and I will never talk to him because it's not like I actually like him that much" I said.

Yet a part of me actually wanted to see him again a part of me wanted to get close to him but I shut that part of me out because I DONT like him.


Here it is what did you think?

Sorry for a short update but the next chapter is going to be longer and interesting so stay tuned


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