Chapter 16: Happily ever after

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                         Sunoo pov
The next day I got up and for the first time in a while I was happy to. I finally got the truth from Riki and Jay, Sunghoon and Heeseung apologized for the trouble they caused and we are all good now.

I Jungwons house like normal so we could walk together. He opened the door with a wide smile that was kinda creepy.

"What are you doing with your face?" I asked giving him a disgusted look.

"Jay and I are finally dating" Jungwon squealed jumping up and down.

"That's great" I said not noticing I had the same stupid smile on my face that Jungwon has.

"Now Heeseung is the only single one in our friend group" he said and stopped jumping so we could start walking.

"Oh he will be thrilled when he finds out" I said sarcastically and Jungwon giggled.

We talked and laughed more until we made it to school where everyone was waiting.

Jungwon ran right to Jay which caused us to roll our eyes but I'm not any different.

"Seriously" Heeseung asked because he was standing right beside them.

"Shut up we are gonna do whatever we want and you will suck it up" Jay said which made Heeseung roll his eyes.

"Fine, with my tired single nose in it" Heeseung said with a sigh. Everyone laughed but Heeseung and we walked inside.

This first class was just the one that Riki and I are in so we said goodbye to the boys and made our way to class.

"Damn poor Heeseung I can't imagine being the only single one" Riki said

"Yeah might have to give him your ex" I said with a smug grin.

"You little-" he said and started chasing me up and down the halls.

We got caught by a teacher after a while and ended up in detention together again.

                           The end
Here it is this book has come to an end.

Sorry I know it's very very boring.

I will be publishing my Jaywon story which is just a short story before a pretty long ff but I won't spoil which ship it is haha.

Anyway I will be publishing the first chapter of the Jaywon story later so yeah.


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