Chapter 8: Fake Love

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Riki pov
Today when we got to school Sunoo and Jungwon weren't there yet but when they came Sunoo was chasing Jungwon.

He was probably teasing him again.

Today I was going to use Sunoo. who knows for how long but that really doesn't matter.

We spent the day like normal then we were on our way home.

"Hey Sunoo do you want to come to my house today" I asked him.

"Oh sure just let text Rosie and then we can go" he said and pulled out his phone.

When we got to my house we put our stuff down.

"I bet I can beat you upstairs" Sunoo said ready to run.

"You wish" I said and we started running.

He beat me to my room and jumped on my bed.

"Haha I win" he said with a wide smile.

I ran over to him and picked him up and ran around my room.

"Hey put me down" he yelled and I threw him on my bed.

'perfect timing' I thought.

"Sunoo I really like you and I know that you didn't exactly like me in grade school but I think we are past that" I said and he smiled.

"I like you too and we are past that" he said and hugged me.

"But let's not put a label on it" I said and pulled away. Because I don't really like him like that I don't want the whole boyfriend's thing.

"Sure works for me" he said.

The two cuddled until they fell asleep.

There was true love in the room but Riki was to blind to see it.
Sorry for a short chapter.

I may double update if I find time.


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