Chapter 10: Talk

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I was with Jay, Sunghoon and Heeseung.

"I was using him but not anymore" I admitted they all sighed in disbelief.

"You used him" Sunghoon asked wide eyed.

"Well yeah I loved her and I thought using Sunoo was a safe bet" I said and looked at them. Jay looked mad. Sunghoon looked upset. Heeseung looked so confused.

"Don't you understand what could've happened if you let this go on" Heeseung asked me.

"No because at the time I didn't care but I do now" I said and they all rolled there eyes.

"Well you could've ruined everything I have with Jake" Sunghoon said stressed.

"How does this have anything to do with you" I asked him annoyed.

"Sunoo is Jakes best friend and I'm your best friend if Jake found out that my best friend used his best friend he wouldn't trust me anymore" Sunghoon said angrily. I looked down it was true I could've ruined everything.

"I'm sorry ok but now I don't care about her and Sunoo Jake and Jungwon never have to know so everything is fine" I said and folded my arms in annoyance.

Sunghoon Jake and Heeseung all looked at each other.

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After Riki left Sunghoon and Heeseung stayed we had some things to talk about.

"We are going to have to tell Sunoo what happened" I said and Heeseung nodded but Sunghoon shook his head.

"We can't tell them" Sunghoon said.

"They have to know who knows maybe Riki just said he isn't using Sunoo so we won't be upset but now that we are friends with Jake Sunoo and Jungwon we have to let them know if something could happen to one of them" I said and Heeseung nodded.

"He is right Sunghoon imagine how much more hurt Jake would be if Riki hurt Sunoo and Jake finds out we knew but never told him" Heeseung said and Sunghoon nodded.

"Yes that would hurt him but imagine how hurt Riki would be if he is serious about not using Sunoo and we tell Sunoo anyway that's just ruining both of them" Sunghoon said trying to reason with us. "I say we stay out of it"

"But we can't ok fine if we aren't saying anything we just have to keep a close eye on Riki to tell if he is serious or not" I said.

The rest of us spent more time talking about what we are going to do.

If only Riki knew the shit he has gotten into.

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