Chapter 6: I Trust

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The next  day I woke up and smiled remembering how much fun I had with my sister then smiled even wider remembering how much fun I had with Riki.

I don't have a crush on him. Ok maybe. Oh shut up.

I got up for school because I have to go get my bitchy friend, Jungwon who lives for gossip.

"Well here it comes" I whispered to myself before knocking on the door of course he swung the door open with a giant grin on his face.

"Tell me everything" he said before even stepping out of the door.

"Nothing happened" I said and we started walking but I couldn't help but blush I hated myself for that because it caused him to believe even more that something happened.

"Your such a liar" he said and playfully nudged me.

"No I swear" I said and looked at him with a straight face but still had a flush of pink in my cheeks.

"Then why are you blushing?" He questioned and laughed while pointing at my cheeks in which I rolled my eyes to.

"I bet you kissed" Jungwon said smiling brightly.

"What the hell" I yelled looking at him in disbelief but he didn't care.

"You probably made out" he said laughing really hard.

"Fuck you Jungwon" I said And walked faster. He had to run to keep up with me.

"I was just kidding" he said and still laughing a bit.

"Fine I forgive you but I bet you kissed Jay" I said as a joke but when he didn't reply I looked at him and he was blushing like crazy.

"Omg you did!!" I said honestly surprised.

"It was just a small kiss" he said quietly but I heard.

"How did it happen?" I asked very eager to find out how my friend had his first kiss.

"Well after school Jake went with Sunghoon and because you and Riki had detention and Heeseung was absent it was just me and Jay we decided to walk together but it started to rain so we went to his house and I don't know it just happened" he said and smiled while doing so.

"Your so lucky" I said I've never had my first kiss and I knew damn well my friends will tease me for it now that both of them have had their first kiss.

"So when are you going to start dating?" I asked him.

"Oh I don't know doesn't it seem too soon" he asked looking at me with his big for eyes.

"Too soon!? Honestly Jungwon you act like a couple just get into a proper relationship before I lose my sanity" I sassed making him scoff.

"Huh says you" he sassed back.

"What about me" I asked back trying to calm down because we weren't fat from school.

"Says you with Riki" Jungwon said trying to change the subject.

"I'm gonna kill you" I said glaring at him.

"Well too late we are already at school" he said and smiled smugly and I chased him.

When we got to the boys Jungwon ran and held onto Jays arm.

"Jay save me" he said giggling out of breath.

"Oh your lucky you have your boyfriend to save you" I sassed and crossed my arms.

"Don't get me into that again" he said still holding onto Jays arm.

Before I could say anything back I felt arms snake around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder.

"Good morning Riki" I said and smiled.

"Good morning" he said and let go of my waist to look at me.

"I missed you" I said with a bit of pink on my cheeks.

"Kiss kiss kiss" Jungwon whisper shouted.

"I hate you" I said and chased after him again.

"Love you too" he said running into the school doors with me close behind and the boys walking to the door.

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