Chapter 5: Sister

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I got home pretty late because after detention we decided to hang out at the park.

"Omg Sunoo where have you been I've been so worried" Rosie said running up to me and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Oh I'm sorry Noona. I got detention with Riki and we ended up hanging out with him" I said and hugged her back.

"What? What did you do to get detention" she asked looking at me with a perplexed look.

"I just got distracted during class and zoned out and then Riki stepped in and then we both got detention together" I said and looked down embarrassed.

"Oh it's ok come sit down" she said because we were still standing at the door.

I felt bad because ever since the incident a few months ago she has been very protective of me and I was too wrapped up with Riki to even do so much as text her.

"I'm sorry Noona I got distracted and totally forgot to text" I said once we were sitting on the couch.

"Oh don't worry about that Sunoo your here now but please remember to text me next time you think you aren't coming straight home after school" she said sternly.

"Of course I will remember next time" I said and her stern face turned into a beautiful smile.

"Oh come on why so serious let's watch a movie" she said and gestured me to sit closer to her.

Rosè has been doing a lot better, of course she is very protective of me still but I have seen her smile again. Her old self is coming back and I'm going to make sure that nothing will ever change that.

Little did Sunoo know that very soon that would change and something would break both him and Rosè more than they ever thought.

I thought I should add a sweet moment like this before all the drama starts.


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