~Bonus~ 1

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3rd person pov

It's been so many years since everything that had happened. We all graduated from high school and even finished college.

Riki has been fine but lately Sunoo has been...off.

Riki doesn't know why but decided to just keep an eye on him since it doesn't seem like a big deal at the moment.

It seems like everyone knows something Riki doesn't, even Sunoos sister Rose seems to know whatever is going on.

Sunoo and Riki moved in together a couple months ago but visit Rosè often. Today is one of those days, eight now Sunoo is getting ready to go with Riki to see her, all of their friends will be there too.

"I'm ready" Sunoo said coming down the stairs very out of breath.

"What were you doing to make you this out of breath?" Riki asked Sunoo who was still catching his breath.

"Looking for my hairbrush" Sunoo replied.

Riki but his inner cheek now he started to be worried about Sunoo. What's going on with him?

"Sunoo are you ok?" Riki asked and sat down next to Sunoo who had finally caught his breath.

"Y-yeah why wouldn't I be?" Sunoo asked nervously and smiled oddly.

"You just have been acting funny recently. Are you sure your ok?" Riki asked.onw more time.

"Yes Riki I promise I'm ok" Sunoo said this time normally but not convincing Riki.

"Mm ok" Riki said and Sunoo stood up and pulled up Riki.

"Come on were gonna be late" Sunoo said and was about to go when Riki grabbed his wrist.

"I hope your telling the truth" Riki said and Sunoo looked at him confused.

"About what?" Sunoo asked walking closer to Riki so he wasn't pulling on his arm.

"That your ok" Riki said and Sunoos expression softened and we chuckled.

"Your still on this? I told you I'm good" Sunoo said and wrapped his arms around Rikis neck while Riki put his hands on Sunoos waist.

"Yes I'm honestly worried about you" Riki said seriously but Sunoo took it as a joke.

"I'm fine now can we go" Sunoo asked and Riki nodded and they walked outside.

It's true Sunoo has a secret and it's true everyone knows and it's true Riki should be the first one to know but Sunoo can't find the words.

Now Sunoo feels bad for making Riki worry. Riki will find out one day. It's impossible for him not to know.

While they were driving Sunoo started to feel sick he tried to not show he didn't feel good because he knew he would worry.

But what Sunoo felt started to get worse and he gagged. Riki snapped his head towards Sunoo.

"Baby are you sure your ok" Riki asked and looked at the road then at Sunoo.

Sunoo nodded and he felt a bit better.

"Yeah I'm fine" Sunoo said and smiled at Riki who looked concerned.

Sunoo got out a pill the doctor gave him and he started to feel better.

They got to Rosè's house and went into the house. All of their friends were already there with Rosè.

"Oh shoot Riki I forgot my phone in the car can you go get it for me?" Sunoo asked and Riki nodded and went out to the car to get it.

"You haven't told him" Rosè said in disbelief.

"I don't know how" Sunoo said and looked down at the ground.

Jungwon came up and hugged Sunoo.

"You have to tell him Ddeonu" He said and listed Sunoos face by his chin.

"I know but how" I said and blinked back tears.

"Great Won you made him upset" Jake said and came up to Jungwon and nudged Jungwon out of the way.

"Don't listen to him, Sunoo. You tell him when you want to" Jake said and Sunoo nodded.

"See that's how you help someone" Jake said and looked at Jungwon who rolled his eyes.

"But he will you know see at some point" Sunghoon said from the couch and Jake looked at him in disbelief.

Sunoo but his lip to save himself from crying.

"You guys keep making him upset" Jake said and hugged Sunoo.

"It's gonna be ok Sunoo you tell him when you want to not these idiots" Jake said and Sunoo nodded but then the tears fell out of his eyes.

"What if he doesn't like me anymore" Sunoo said crying.

"No Sunoo that's crazy Riki will love you no matter what" Jake said and Sunoo nodded.

Riki came inside with Sunoos phone and saw him crying.

"Sunoo are you ok?" Riki asked and wiped Sunoo tears.

Sunoo looked behind him at his friends who were nodding.

"Actually Riki I'm-"

What do you think is going on with Sunoo? I will post tomorrow.

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