Chapter 1: First Days

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm. It was early because school is soon. I'm terrified because it's the first day of high school. I sat there before I heard my door open.

"Come on Sunoo we have to go soon" it was Rosè. Normally on first days she comes into my room and sings me a song but this year she just mumbled these words and I got up.

"Sunoo I hope you have fun today but can I just suggest you one thing?" Rosè asked me with her sad voice.

"Sure what's up" I asked she sighed before answering.

"Just don't get used. Make sure you trust someone before you let them steal your heart" She told me.

"Don't worry Rosie I'm very smart I won't get played" I said and smiled at her before running off to school.

I walked to the bus stop and met with Jungwon.

"Hi Sunoo are you excited" he asked me jumping a little bit.

"I mean sure" I said and bit my lip.

"What's wrong Are you ok?" He asked me and gave me a concerned look.

"It's just I'm a little worried for Rosie it's been months but she is still sad and isn't like she used to be" I said and looked at my feet.

"I know but this is a big shock for her things will get better don't worry just let her know your always there for her" he said and gave me a smile I smiled back.

"Thank you Jungwon your so smart" I said and giggled.

"I know I am" Jungwon said and flipped his nonexistent long hair.

I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully then we kept walking towards the school when we made it to the door.

He held out his hand and I took it.

"This is it" Jungwon said with a happy yet nervous smile on his face.

"The moment we have been waiting for" I said and pulled him closer because our arms were stretched out.

It's true the moment we have been waiting for. Jungwon and I have been dreaming about the first day of high school since we started school.

Our friend Jake ran up to us.

"Oh my god where the hell have you two been" Jake asked. "Bitch I've been here alone and freaking out"

"Oh Jake chill we are here now so you can calm down" Jungwon said and the three of us linked arms and walked down the hall.

A few minutes later someone came and back hugged Jake. Jake giggled and turned around and kissed the boy. Jungwon and I rolled our eyes. The boy was Sunghoon.

Jake and Sunghoon have been dating for a month or so and it's really annoying. Sunghoon is always with his friends Riki, Jay and Heeseung. Me and Jungwon don't like them.

"Fuck I forgot these guys are coming here, especially Jay" Jungwon whispered to me while the other two had a moment.

"Fuck are you blushing. Do you like him?" I teased but was honestly worried for my life.

"Ugh my god Sunoo I don't" He said but blushed even more.

"Omg you do?" I yelled.

"Ok here's an idea you all shut up these two get off each other" Riki said and pulled Jake and Sunghoon off each other " and we get to class"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Jungwon but he was looking at Jay. I rolled my eyes again and turned his head in front of him.

"Hey your head out of the fucking gutter" I sassed and kept walking annoyed about the presence of the other four.

Time skip
When we got to class we sat down and Jake and Sunghoon were still giggling making me sick to my stomach. While Jungwon blushed while Jay was staring at him.

"What the hell happened to Jungwon?" I whispered to myself and rolled my eyes before looking down at my notebook.

The teacher came in and said we will be needing partner work and we can choose our partners. So Jake and Sunghoon obviously are partners and Jay and Jungwon flirted a bit before choosing to be partners.

Which left me with Riki just great.

"So are we partners?" I asked him because he sat beside me.

"Do we have any other choice." He said wow rude much.

"Guess not" I said and we got to work.

After class we still weren't done.

"Ok class If you haven't finished you can finish it at home" the teacher said and I looked at Riki and he looked at me.

"I guess we will have to finish this at one of our houses" Riki said in a nicer tone. During this class Riki and I aren't really friends but he isn't as annoying as in grade school.

"You've gotten mature Riki" I said as we were walking home. We decided to go to his house to finish the project.

"What do you mean" he asked and looked at me but I had to look up to look In his eyes since he is a lot taller than me.

"Well In grade school you used to be a player but now you don't seem like you would do that" I said and looked down because my neck started to hurt.

"Nah I don't really play anymore it's useless I would rather have someone I could love forever than 16 people I don't really love" Riki said.

"See your very mature now" I said and we both laughed.

'He is pretty cute. Wait! No I don't like him Riki is a player Rosie said don't get played. Stop thinking like this' I thought to myself.

Time skip
We got to Riki's house and went up to his room.

"Ok let's get this done" he said and we sat down by the computer and continued working on our project.

We tried to get it done fast but Riki kept making me laugh.

"Come on Sunoo we need to get this done." He said but was still laughing a bit.

"Oh says you" I teased and we ended up going back to work and finished it soon after.

When I got home I got showered and in my pajamas. I flipped down on my bed because it's been a long day and I'm tired.

I kept wondering if I like Riki. I mean I shouldn't right.

'I don't like Riki. I don't like him I don't like him'

I kept thinking until I fell asleep.

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