Chapter 4: Detention

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After the day was done Riki and I went to detention but we stayed quiet because I was mad and he knew it.

When we got inside I put my bag down and plopped into a chair and crossed my arms and sat there mad.

Riki sat there and stared at me for a few minutes before talking to me.

"Are you mad" he asked me.

"Yes" I said but didn't look at him.

"Why I didn't do anything" he said and it seemed as if he was getting annoyed at me.

"Oh really" I said now looking at him.

"Yes really I've done nothing if I did then why don't you just tell me" he said now the annoyance in his voice turned into a mad tone.

"You piped up while I was getting in Trouble and now look at us all alone together" I said almost yelling at him.

"Well I'm sorry I saved you from staying here all alone because I care about you" he said almost yelling back.

"You should be" I said a bit harsher than I wanted and I could see his mad expression become sad and I started to feel bad.

"I'm sorry Riki" I said I honestly felt bad because he didn't do anything.

"No I'm sorry it's my fault I should've stayed quiet so that you wouldn't be here with someone you didn't like" he said and laughed humorlessly and I could tell he was hurt.

I didn't know why but I hugged him. I felt really bad.

"No Riki your wrong I don't hate you" I whispered into his ear while hugging him.

Any problems I had with Riki in grade school should stay in grade school.

He hugged me back when we pulled away we smiled at each other.

"We should find something to do because we will be here for a while" Riki said and he was right.

"I actually have a question" I said.

"Ok what is it?" He asked and sat up straight indicating he was listening.

"Does Jay really love Jungwon?" I asked I've never really got close to Jay so I don't know how he acts with love.

"Oh are you kidding he loves him so much. Yesterday during class he went on about how cute he was after 20 minutes I thought he would never stop" Riki said and we both laughed.

I started to trust Riki more and dicided to forget what Rosè said and not give everyone I meet the cold shoulder. I don't need to worry because really what could go wrong.

Dun dun dun

Foreshadowing is one of my favorite things about books so I thought why not add it to one of mine.


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