Chapter 15: Listen

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Sunoo pov
When school was done I went home but not
alone. Jake and Jungwon promised to not leave my side until God knows when.

When we got into my room I flopped onto my bed and cried. I had to keep it together all day.

My friends came to my side to console me until my door opened. We all looked over to the door and...

It was Riki?

Right behind him was my sister. I quickly wiped my tears and glared at him.

"I know your mad at him Sunoo but I think you should listen" Rosè said and looked at me with an apologetic expression.

"Fine but you two should go" I said to Jake and Jungwon and they got up to leave but Jungwon stopped and pointed at Riki.

"I'm warning you. Hurt him and you will never see the light of day again" Jungwon whispered in a scary tone before leaving with Jake and Rosè.

"Sunoo I'm sorry" Riki said and sat beside me.

"Yeah I've heard but it doesn't change what you did" I said and held back my tears.

"Ok fine yes it's true I used you-" he said but I interrupted.

"Yeah I know goodbye" I said angrily.

"Could you just listen" Riki said with more annoyance in his tone.

"Fine continue" I said and folded my arms.

"I did use you but after pretending for like two days I finally realized that I loved you and didn't like her anymore. I know that even when I realized my feelings for you I should have told you but I was scared to lose you because I love you. But my dumbass friends decided to tell you but I haven't been using you for weeks. Can you please forgive me" he begged and I looked at him he had tears in his eyes which caused me to start tearing up.

"Do you still love me" I asked him.

"Yes and I promise I will never hurt you again "he said and the tears in his eyes started rolling down his cheeks.

It caught me off guard. I had never seen him cry.

"Ok I forgive you" I said and hugged him.

He hugged me back. I held onto him tightly as though he would disappear if I let him go.

I knew Jungwon would be so mad that I forgave him so easily but I didn't care. I loved Riki and I found myself sadder without him.

I love Riki and nothing can change that.

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