The Woman in Green (EDITED)

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It was a typical day for Stella, well, more or less. She was in a peaceful town on the outside but on the inside harbored a dark secret. Monsters roamed freely during to dark hours of the night, avoiding the daylight and humans as much as possible. She was a monster hunter herself and usually went by no name. Sometimes just by the woman in whatever color she was wearing that day, and today it was green. So today, she was going to be the woman in green. She drank her ale and paused as she heard frightened people talking about bodies showing up in town. It piqued her interest, and she smiled a bit. Her long black hair cascaded down her shoulders to about the middle of her back. It was long until a week ago when a monster decided to grab her hair. She had to cut it, but those were the sacrifices she had to make sometimes. Hair could quickly grow back; however, coming back to life was impossible.

She was a lot stronger and meaner than most women; she also able to use magic due to a witch friend she grew up with. She envied her just because she had kids and a loving husband while she couldn't love. Well, she could like relatives and small children as well friends, men or people in general; she couldn't stand it. Too much trouble and the nothing men typically wanted was sex, and she was more or less intrigued by a man that liked to tell stories or usually have a conversation rather than asks her to sleep in the bed for the night.

The scared men of this town meant work; at last, being out of work for a week was starting to burn a hole in her pocket. She was also tired of drinking the ale that wasn't even that good and having no one to talk to that was interesting. Witchers were an exciting bunch, and she met two so far on her travels. Too bad they wanted to sleep with her; if they didn't, she would have maybe traveled along with them. Saved their asses yet again from doing something stupid. Perhaps that was why women lived longer, but she was doing the same thing they were right now-hunting the creatures that go bump in the night, scaring the poor people of this disgusting town.

Her green eyes scared the hell out of people sometimes but mostly her knives that she kept on her or her sword. Most men thought she was a pretty face, and that was it until she kicked their asses so hard their children could feel it. Being a woman and a monster hunter was challenging since most men thought the only good things they could do were give the men pleasure and, of course,e have children and cook. Her being a mother was a scary thought, and finding a guy good enough for her was hard. It's not like she wanted to be married anyway. Men were complicated, hateful, rude, discussing, and downright despicable creatures that only wanted to fight just for the pleasure of it.

"Well, look at you," a man said as she smiled.

She was going to rip his throat out if he flirted with her. She wasn't there to look pretty or bed every man there. She was there to hunt monsters and only the monsters. What was scary, though, was that everyone had a chance to be a monster. Whether it was raping a woman or killing someone out of greed, or wanting the man's wife, she killed several humans for being monsters as well. She was never letting anyone get away with something evil like that. Monsters weren't just misshapen creatures, but they could be as beautiful as a goddess.

"How much do you want for the big bad monster's death? My rates are very cheap compared to others," she smiled as the men laughed at her.

"You slay a beast that poisons its victims and worse? Please, women can't fight," the second man said with a smile showing nothing but rotting teeth.

"Interesting you say that, seeing as I am the only one with balls big enough to go after whatever is eating your friends in the darkness of the night. What is it exactly?" She asked.

"It is weird, and the creature seems to have six legs and horns; it's scary. It drowns people but poisons them too. It also makes a loud sound at night," a third man explained.

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