Run away

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"Your stronger then you look girl," the man said as  she smiled.

"Have to be in a man's world. Why are you here exactly? I know for a fact you aren't after the witcher. You are after the bride aren't you?" She asked as the man chuckled.

"Actually no I don't normally kill defenseless women, I'm after the lord. There is a bounty on his head," he answered.

"Sorry but you know I kind of got hired to you know protect the wife and I think that includes him to sad to say so are we going to fight or are we just going to stand around like a two dogs waiting for one to make the first move?" she qestioned as he smiled a bit at her.

"You know there is more then one of me here, I'm just here as a distraction. I can't lie to a beautiful woman such as yourself and it would be a shame to ruin your beautiful face with my knives," he informed.

"Well I'm not afraid of getting cut," she informed as she quickly got out her sword and went after him.

He quickly blocked her attack and cut her arm with his knife he had. She quickly cut his leg and almost stabbed him but he used his magic to send her flying backwards she quickly out up a shield as he tried stabbings her. She sent him flying then they started sword fighting while people were screaming.

Geralt was thrown into one of the tables as an assasen quickly used his magic to send him flying. The second man had two swords and magic on his side.

"Geralt!" Jaskier yelled as people were leaving and he got up as soon as the man tried stabbing him.

Geralt quickly punched the man in the face and drove his sword into his chest killing him. Three more men entered the dinning hall as people were screaming and running away in terror. These men didn't have any magic so this was going to be easy for him.

"There is a very angry man fighting Stella and she isn't holding up well!" Jaskier informed as Geralt lost focus  for a second and got knocked down to the ground hard.

Jaskier started throwing the expensive plates at the three men in hopes to buy him sometime to get up. The three men looked at him angerily but only one started heading his way. He smiled weakly and quick took off running  down the hall and ran into a bed room locking the door. He heard a scream and sighed as he turned around and the groom with two other women in his bed.

"Seriously?! You know I stood up for you when Stella was sure you were a bad person. I can't belive you!" Jaskier yelled.

"I can explain," he said as Jaskier scoffed.

"Really, explain this to your future wife!" Jaskier growled as the groom quickly got dressed and so were the women he was with.

"My wife can't have children!" He informed.

"Maybe that's why these people are here trying to kill your wife, she can't give you children so you are going to kill her. Very kind of you," Jaskier said as he quickly left the room.

Everyone was outside while Stella was trying to stop the wizard that was trying to kill the lord. They were both tired and Geralt was heading to her side. The man smiled as he was going to win this all he had to do was kill her to get to the lord.

"You lose beautiful," he man said as she smiled a bit.

"Actually you do," she informed as she started to speak elder.

The man started charge at her. The trees around her started to splinter as she focused on them. She let out all of her rage, sadness, heartbreak. Every emotion she held on to and released it all. The trees exploded as well as the near by statues and they went flying at him as she screamed. Wood splinters started to wound innocent people that were in the behind her including Geralt and Jaskier. After she was finished no one died they just got scratched up or bruised by her powers. The wizard however fell to his knees and bled out on the grass.

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