Yennefer The Witch

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Stella couldn't belive that Jaskier was so stupid! Geralt, Stella, and Jaskier were chased out of town after he offered the mayor and decided he was going to sleep with the mayor's wife. Not the smartest move but he did it.

"I can't belive you did that Jaskier!" Stella hissed.

"I had no fucking idea she was his wife! I didn't know an ugly man such as him could have a wife!" Jaskier informed.

"You are going to end up dead someday and it isn't going to be our fault," he said as he decided to make camp in the woods.

"Well it actually would be your fault because... I got nothing! Fuck! I hate you sometimes!" He muttered annoyed.

Stella started to scold Jaskier making Geralt go hunting to get away from there bickering. It was like a mother and her child almost and he didn't man. He actually had plans with Stella tonight well attempt to have plans with her. He actually was trying to courting to court Stella and it seemed to be working but Jaskier ruined his plans. He knew there was a town near by maybe not all hope wad lost. He wasn't trying to his feelings known to her all at once but little by little so she wouldn't get scared just incase she actually didn't like him in that way.

He got some rabbit and a boar he gutted them both and Stella helped cook them. After dinner Stella cuddled up with Geralt again and fell asleep while Jaskier was now very confused by how there whole relationship worked. He had never seen those two sleeping together at all but was happy for Stella. He knew giving love a chance was extremely difficult and choosing to give her heart to a witcher of all people was even more hard to belive. Maybe she was just trying to heal her heart from all the years of pretending to feel nothing.

Now he was going to have to make a song for there wedding. That shouldn't be to hard but he wasn't good at weddings, he was really good at making people mad though. In the morning they headed out to the nearest town. It was a quite walk while Jaskier was thinking of lyrics but couldn't really think of anything. Maybe if he bugged the both of them he cod get some head way into his song.

"Once there was a witcher but not just any witcher but witcher that went by the buture. He met girl and fell in love making him the buture no more.

Oh he slayed monsters as big as houses and as dangerous as fire but now he was going to have to slay a single monster every night for the rest of his life in bed or any place he can find," Jaskier sang as Geralt stopped Roach and Stella quickly used her powers to push Jaskier into the other side of the road they were on.

"Really?! You can't think of anything else?!" Stella growled ad embarement filled her body.

She wasn't a whore and she was still working trying to open herself up more not her legs but her heart. With out a word Geralt punched him hard in the gut then whispered something into his ear while he left to get back on Roach. Jaskier was silent the whole trip to the town and they quickly got a couple of rooms. A man quickly offered a job to them and Stella was happy to take it while they were getting there rooms ready. A Kikimora was around and they wanted it dead, it would be an easy job for the both of them to take.

"Geralt I will see if I can find the beast while you gather supplies if you like," she said as he thought for a second.

"What are we hunting exactly?" He asked.

"A Kikimora nothing to much. Offered a lot of coin for it," she said as Jaskier was about to say something but Geralt glared at him making him freeze in his place.

"I think that is a wonderful idea," Jaskier informed as he seemed nervous around Geralt.

"Geralt what exactly did you say to him to scare him like that?" Stella asked as a drunk man grabbed her wrist and she punched him in the face.

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