Under The Cover Of Darkness

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It had been exactly two days since she left Geralt alone with Jaskier. She was almost waiting for the witcher's companion to yell for her, but there was no yelling, and she looked back to time to see if he had indeed followed her. She didn't care, but she had a bad feeling something had happened to them. Witchers were more valuable than they let on, even though they were mutants. They still felt things, and it bugged her that he wasn't behind her. Maybe he didn't care for her. She wasn't going to look too much into it.

"Oh, my sweet Agata, what did you think of those two? I know you don't take too kindly to men, and I saw how you treated that witcher, however funny it may have been. Are witchers our friends, remember? You know I think the only real man you like is my adopted father and you know what he is. Hopefully, this next town will be good, and I can get you ale and me a bath because gods do I need one! Actually, why not we bath in that stream down there. It will be cold, but I'm still covered in blood, and you are too my sweet, beautiful lady," she said as

She took off her corset and dress once they were by the side of the stream. She started washing the blood off her horse and then of herself as she talked to Agata like she was a person. Horses were far better than people even though she got bored talking all the time and the silence sometimes. This was for the best because she was the biggest bitch anyone had ever met for good reasons. She started to get dressed after she dried herself off with her dirty clothes and changed into black leather pants and a yellow top. She put her socks on and her boots back on. She washed her dirty clothes and saw an owl staring down at her.

"I don't like the way you are looking at me," she informed as she carefully got out her bow and an arrow. She quickly shot at it taking it down.

"Nice dinner. I think what do you think?" She asked Agata, who got on her hind legs as Stella looked at her oddly.

Her horse neighed, and Stella turned to see a man in front of her with a sword. She quickly drew her sword as she kept an eye out for others. Something felt off; there had to be more of them here. She could easily take him out with her bow, but she was not going to take the chance of him being magical.

"You have a beautiful figure, and you are quick on your feet, too," a man said as he stood on the steady slope of the ground.

"Watching a lady bathing is not something you should be doing if you aren't married to her. Also, I can use magic, so I'm not just a good swordsman," she informed.

"I know I was in the town you just came from with that witcher. Yet now he left you alone, something as beautiful as you should never be alone," the man said with a smirk.

"So you had your owl friend fallow me

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"So you had your owl friend fallow me. Too bad I wouldn't say I liked how he was looking at me; otherwise, he would still be alive. What do you want?" She asked as the stream was trying to make her lose her footing

"I want the witcher. His head is worth a lot, you know; I have here three hundred coins for that particular witcher's head if you are interested," he said as she smirked.

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