Hope and Love

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Stella wiped the blood off her face while she took a brake near a stream. Stella was shaking still from the sheer terror she felt. She didn't mean to anyone especially the two people she actually trusted with her life. She didn't know if there were men following her but she didn't care. Her whole body hurt and she needed to rest. She missed the men she became friends with. Meeting another witcher that actually had manners and was kind to her. His brothers were not as kind but he actually gave her space. She really wanted to sleep but she was still to close to the place where she was earlier.

They were probably hurting them and it was her fault! She even couldn't go back because of how weak she was. She felt useless and she was angry for it. How could she do this to them?! How could she leave them like that, they would never do that to her. They were probably angry with her even though they told her go. She hoped they weren't dead but they were so angry at her.

She wanted to cry out with anger and sadness but that wasn't going to fix anything. She needed a plan to get them back, she needed to rest and hide from the angry mob. This is what her father faced as well as almost all the witchers because they could feel things, because they were different. She was just so angry, she didn't mean it. She just wanted to protect her friends and the people at the party.

"Agata what have I done? I don't even know how I even did that. You know it would have been really helpful if I could have done that before I met them. They don't deserve a person that kills everything they touch. I don't even know if they will want me back. What is odd is that I actually miss those two. Geralt is like a brother to me and so is Jaskier. It's strange really because I never got close to any man without feeling disgusted," she said softly.

She sighed looking up at the sky, it was getting dark and new those men would be after her rather quickly or they will call the search for her off. She got up weakly and then got on Agata again. She rode for a a little ways before making camp again. Stlla fell asleep rather quickly due to all the energy she had wasted today for nothing. Agata woke her up after an hour of rest and she sighed as she heard the sound of a horse coming her way.

"Great, okay let's go," she sighed as she heard someone whistling.

Agata started to head to where the whistle came from and Stella looked at her oddly. She never followed anyone's whistle except hers also her fathers and now she was worried. Maybe it was her witcher father and if it was then how did he know she was there?! She tried to stand up but she was to tired to. This was going to be hard to explain.

"Okay dad, I don't know why your out here but I can explain. I ran into a witcher and his friend while I was hunting monsters. I almost died a lot while I was with him but I didn't which is odd. He saved me twice and now he might be dead because I was a coward and I used all my magic at once which I never done before. If you are going to lecture me on being brave or not being a coward then say it alright. I'm going back to that place where I left and try to get them back tomorrow if I am strong enough to do it," she sighed as Agata came back and Geralt was with her and Jaskier.

"You fuckers!" She smiled as she tried to get up but it was no use.

Her body was so tired but seeing them made her so happy. She didn't know how they followed her since she got rid of the blood on her face. They must have followed her horses tracks or fate brought them back together again. Either way seeing them again made her feel less guilty about leaving them behind the way she did.

"You know that is the second time you called him dad but last time you also called him old to," Jaskier chuckled.

"Seriously? It must have been when we first met then. Sorry about that, where are we going next?" She asked as they sat next to her around the fire.

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