My Strength Can't Be Broken

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"You aren't seriously just going to walk in there and put yourselves in danger are you?!" Jaskier asked.

"I doubt that monster will recognize me as his child. I just wonder how many there are out there. How many did he already try to sleep with. Jaskier these chores can't fight this stuff and neither can these women if me and Geralt go we might be able to find out what is going on. I doubt he knows I'm a witch and that will help us get the upper hand," she informed.

"Stella I don't doubt you or Geralt but word has spread about a white haired witcher called the buture and his female companion. What if he does know? Maybe I should go with you both, just incase I hear something and you both can run," Jaskier suggested.

"It is to dangerous for you Jaskier, but we do need warning," Geralt informed.

"Geralt, we can't put him in danger," she informed.

"Then both of you stay," Geralt informed.

"Geralt, I am a big girl you know," she informed.

"He is coming with us, I will not risk what happened to you as a child to happen again," he informed.

"Fine," she said as they headed off into town.

Jaskier went to the bar and all the people in the bar looked at him as he entered. Jaskier nodded and went to the bar as Stella and Geralt ventured deeper into the village where guards were walking around. Three women were in chains and Stella sighed as she looked at Geralt.

"Hey! Any new lady must go to the lords house for inspection, if she lives here," one of the guards yelled.

"She doesn't and she is my wife. If you touch her I will gut you," Geralt growled.

Stella didn't say a word as the guard looked at her closely. Stella looked away and Geralt quickly put his hand on his sword but then the guard scoffed. Another guard came into view as they started to continue make there way further into town.

"You let a witcher in here!" A guard yelled as Stella quickly used her magic to knock the guards down and quickly took off.

"We need run!" She yelled as they took off on there horses. Guards quickly blocked there way so they got off there horses and quickly started cutting down guards. They stood back to back and started cutting down as many people as possible and she saw there were to many on her side.

"Geralt we need to send them back," she informed as Geralt was about to send them back but Stella kissed him.

His power almost tripled as they both used there magic and sent people flying. Stella picked up her sword again and quickly stabbed a man in the chest. Geralt got his sword and quickly slit a man's throat. Stella was tired from fighting but she wasn't going to give up so early and let Geralt take them all on. She could try to use her magic again but if she strained herself to much she wouldn't be able to even lift her sword at all. Her powers were going to be her last resort.

"We need to get out of this spot," Stella informed as more men were coming.

"Your right, is there am ally neat you?" He asked

"I don't know but I won't be able to hold much longer," she informed as she quickly started cutting them down again.

"Stop! I order you to stop fighting at once!" A voice rang out and Stella moved closer to Geralt.

The men backed off but they were still ready to fight them making Stella uneasy. That was her fathers voice and she was actually feeling scared again. She didn't want to but remembering what happened to her made her feel sick. This man, this monster was holding a whole village captive and she wasn't going to let it slide. Her father came into view on a black horse that was really intimidating and he wore armor. He had the djinn sign on the flags and his armor making her angry.

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