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It was going to be a long way home but with Stella by his side and Jaskier to he wasn't so bored. Stella had been whispering dirty things in his ears and playing with his white hair. Geralt was definitely in love with this girl and he couldn't even begin to tell her. It was starting to get dark out and the snow started to get bad.

"When are we going to get to the next town?" She asked as he got off Roach as soon as he saw the town they were supposed to meet her father in.

"Looks like everyone is gone," Stella informed as she to got off Roach.

"Where did they go?" Jaskier asked.

"Geralt...." Stella said as she saw a dead body.

"We need to leave for now and find out what happened to this man later. It could be gone, I have a friend that lives near here," he informed.

"I told you we shouldn't have stopped in that town for three days," Jaskier informed.

"Well we are horny fuckers and we don't want to wake you up while we fuck," Stella said.

"How considerit of you both," he muttered, "then what about that monster you stayed! You were gone for hours!"

"Well we killed it in two and had a little bit of fun just saying that was one of the best times," she smirked at Geralt as they started moving again.

He drank his potion that made his eyes turn black so he could slay the beast. Little did he know it gave him an extra boost in sexual energy to. For once he was not the one who was to warn out for more.

"Your father was right you will break that man!" Jaskier muttered.

Geralt wasn't going to say a word about that, sure he never had to work so hard before but there were times it wasn't aggressive. He also wasn't in it just for the sex even though it was nice he loved talking to her afterwards and before. They decided after winter was over they were going to adopt a child. That was very big step but Geralt was ready to stop monster hunting. He wasn't going to tell his brothers but he felt like once the child was old enough to take care for itself they would go back to monster hunting. He would still train every day as well as Stella just incase something were to happen.

Geralt was actually nervous that something would happen between the two of them before winter was over and they would never find a child to adopt. But Geralt wasn't going to give up. It might take them years and that was alright with him. They went to his friends house but saw graves were everywhere. Stella felt something watching her and she didn't like it.

"You feel that?" He asked as he got off Roach and so did she.

"Yeah, Jaskier get behind me now," Stella said as she drew her sword and the building came to life.

She backed off as all the lights came on and the doors and windows were opening and closing by themselves. She calmed Roach as a boar came out of the building and tackled Geralt. She was about to stab the creature but saw it was wearing cloths. She was confused at first until it said Geralts name.

"Nivellen?" Geralt asked.

"Geralt! It is you! Well nice to see you old friend you haven't aged a bit. Sorry for my appearance but I sort of got cursed doing something stupid. I will explain everything when we go inside, who is that beautiful girl?" He asked as Stella growled at him.

"I maybe beautiful but I don't like it when men flirt with me other then Geralt. We are together so watch your tongue with me," she informed making sure he knew where she stood.

"Oh, Geralt how ever did you get her she is simply breath taking. My apologies I'm Nivellen, I'm one of Geralt's old friends. You three must be freezing, care for a bath?" He asked as he helped Geralt up and helped snapped his fingers to open the door.

"Those two are in dire need of one. I'm fine thank you," Jaskier said as Stella felt like something was off.

Maybe she just didn't like it when other men flirted with her in front of Geralt. She was not going to stand for it and Geralt knew it. She walked closer to Geralt and grabbed Roache's rains.

"I have a bad feeling Geralt," she informed as Geralt smiled a bit.

"You will be safe here Stella," he informed.

"There is an empty town below that should be filled with people, there are no animals to speak of and I am still being watched. It's not by you or Jaskier either and I don't like it," she explained.

"We will find out what happened to the town before we leave," he stated.

"Okay, I just hope it doesn't kill us while we sleep," she muttered.

"Also there is a cat living here, she is quite a shy thing. She came here to warm up for the winter, I am very blessed to have her because my curse prevents me from having anybody but I guess she is excluded," he smiled as Stella relaxed a bit.

Maybe it was just the cat.

"What happened to the village blow?" Geralt asked as they entered his house.

"That I am unsure of... my appearance scares people and I don't normally leave unless I have to I can snap my fingers and get anything I want," he said as he snapped his fingers and a bath appeared.

"A bath anyone?" He asked.

"I'll pass," Geralt said as Jaskier also politely declined.

"Well I definitely need on," she sighed as she looked at Geralt to come with her.

"I will set the table! First time I had company in a long time," he said happily.

"Geralt I'm not taking a bath alone, I feel like I'm being watched," she whispered.

"You are going to have to, I'm going to ask Nivellen what really happened. He is hiding something for sure. I'm also going to be exploring the town below for more answers. You will be safe here for how long I'm not sure but I know you can take care of yourself. Now take a bath I can smell myself all over you," he smirked.

"Don't want your brothers to get jealous?" She asked with a smile.

"No, I want them to know you're mine when I get there. I very much love marking you," he said softly.

"Alright but I hope you have done this to yourself," she smiled as she started undressing right in front of him.

"You always now how to tease me," he said as she set all off her cloths aside.

"Oh I do, remember to drink that potion to help you. Otherwise you might not find what you are looking for," she informed as she walked up to him and grabbed him by the balls.

"You might keep me distracted Stella. Tonight alright? We can't just have sex when ever we feel like it," he smiled.

"I know, but seriously be careful," she informed.

"You really think I am going to leave you here? I'm going to need a distraction after dinner so I can leave. He will try to keep me here i think," he said.

"You're right if he's hiding something, okay then I will hurry then," she smiled.

"Don't, you really smell like me," he said with a smile.

"Worried about what my father would say?" She asked.

"Well he told you to be careful with me," he smiled back.

"Careful, please I have not broken you yet witcher I doubt I ever will," she smiled as he kissed her softly.

She was always surprised with how gently he was with her and how mean he could get as soon as someone did anything wrong to her. But she enjoyed it and she felt like he did to. He handed her one of his knives that was in his boot and chuckled a bit. Then he left her alone and closed the door behind him making her smile brightly. She went to the bath and got in but then felt something watching her again.

"What ever you are I hope you know that I will break your neck if you hurt any of my family," she hissed making the feeling go away.

"Good we understand each other then. You don't hurt them and I won't hurt you. I am a very reasonable person you know, I try not to be mean but I also don't liked being watched by people unless it's by my boyfriend. Trust me when I say this but if you do hurt me, he will make sure you will never see the light of day again," she said in a angry tone.

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