Like Father Like Daughter

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It had been two days three hours and seven minutes. Geralt had not moved from the spot he took from beside her door. Her father was pacing as Yennefer worked on the witchers that were injured and thankfully no one died.

"Why didn't you tell us Stella had Elder blood?" Vesemir asked Marek looked at him annoyed.

"Why?! Why!? Because you would have asked me to bring her here for her blood! All you want is to make more of us because we are dying out and she was only a child when I found her, she has be used and abused. All I wanted to do was let her know know she was safe with me! Do you think she would have trusted you at all it took her months to even be okay around me!" He yelled.

"All you had to do was tell us, I would have given her a choice! We could have protected her better. We could have trained her to be one of us but you didn't trust us. You are making an excuse for this mess that you created becauseyou didn't bring her here sooner," Vesemir informed.

"She needed to be taught how to fight so I taught her, so I taught her! She is my daughter! My blood daughter, not just some girl I found but my real blood daughter. I didn't know it until the third month I had her. She had the same birth mark as I do on my shoulder.

She looks exactly like her mother to, I loved her mother and the only way Stella would have ended up in a whore house as a teenager was if she died. Then that winter she was sick really sick and I didn't know what to do. She got angry at me when I was training her because I said she wasn't good enough... her eyes turned black and she hit me hard. Almost knocked out one of my teeth, but after that she collapsed and she was burning up. That's when I realized me and her mother made something that was impossible to make.

We shouldn't be able to have children but she is a part of me and if I would have known I got her mother pregnant I would have stayed. I wouldn't have let her bastard husband hurt her like he did and I would have taught her how to love people. But she chose my best friend instead of a human that could give her children. She was pregnant Vesemir, my little girl was pregnant and she lost it two hours before I got there. Do you really think she would have trusted you or anyone here? She would have been to scared to even eat. I did what I thought was best for her and protected her with ever thing I had then when she got old enough I let her fight. I may have made mistakes but I wouldn't change them because she turned out better then what I could have hoped for," he explained.

"Wait Stella is your blood? We can't have kids it's impossible," one of the witchers said.

"That's what I thought until I saw her eyes turn black right in front of me," he smiled weakly.

"Stella wasn't getting sick because of the elder blood, it's the witcher blood making her sick. The witcher blood finnaly started poisoning her," Geralt said softly.

"No... Stella can't die. Geralt there has to be a way to save her," Jaskier said as Geralt looked down at the ground.

"There has to be a way! You can't just let her die!" Jaskier said angerily.

"She tapped into her powers and it lite the candle Jaskier. It will continue to fight her body until her body gives out. Not many people survive the process of being a witcher. Since she was born with the blood already as well as elder blood it was a miracle she lived this long," Vesemir said. 

"Will it hurt her?" Jaskier asked.

"Yes, it would be kind to kill her. Putting that mildly," he answered.

Sarah came out of Stella's room and she wiped the blood away from her face.

"How much time do you think she will have?" Geralt asked as she smiled.

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