The Witchers Daughter

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Stella kicked Geralt in the groin and threw him off of her making him land on the witch. She knew he would understand and hoped it didn't hurt to bad. She ran out the door and quickly  ran out to see Jaskier talking to a girl.

"Geralt has been cursed or drugged! We need to run he is going to kill us!" She yelled as she took a break.

"Stella? What happened?!" He asked.

"Don't fucking ask just run!" She said as she she felt eyes on her.

She grabbed him and headed to Agata quickly. She drank a healing potion quickly and threw the bottle down and tried to find alcohol to clean her wounds.

"What got Geralt under a spell?" Jaskier asked.

"A witch did and I had to hurt him a bit, he didn't touch me but as long as that witch has him there isn't anything I can do right now. I don't have magic and," she paused as she felt like she was choking.

"You are very annoying!" The witch growled as Geralt grabbed her around her neck and the spell wore off.

"Geralt! That's stella!" He panicked. 

"Oh he definitely knows, he will never forget this," she growled as she opened up a portal. Bald Mountain the deadliest caves around," she smiled as Geralt threw her in without any hesitantsion.

"Stella, Geralt you killed Stella! She can't fight because of her injuries!" Jaskier yelled.

"I don't think I need you either, get rid of him. Give her bag it should help them live maybe long enough for you to find them," she smiled as Jaskier couldn't belive it.

Geralt tried grabbing him but he went willingly to find Stella. Geralt grabbed her bag and and tossed it after them. She shut the portal and sighed happily. After that she made Geralt go on a random spree, making him attack officials until they captured him and put him in jail.

"Fucking fuck!" Jaskier growled as Stella got up weakly and grabbed her back. There was a lot of supplies in there thankfully but it wasn't going to last long with the both of them.

"Jaskier get in the cave there will be a way out we just got to find it," she said as she looked over the cliff they were standing on.

"How the fuck is Geralt going to find us?!" He asked.

"Alive or dead?" She asked.

"Alive!" Jaskier answered

"Then just you not us. My wounds are going to get infected and I'll die first.  From the town we were in Geralt will take two weeks to find us maybe longer. We just got to leave things behind that he will find and hopefully find us but that's if we don't get eaten first. We don't have weapons," she sighed as she got up and headed to the cave.

It was starting to snow but Stella took off her necklace Geralt gave her and hung it up so he could see it. Jaskier saw Stella wasn't joking she was going to die first. He didn't want her to but her wounds were bad and needed to be cleaned out. He followed her into the cave and prayed that they were going to be found alive.

Geralt woke up in a cage and Yennefer was smiling at him.

"Finnaly you woke up," she chuckled.

"You made me hurt Stella!" He growled.

"I had no choice, I needed you for a side task and she said no. I honestly thought she was going die first by the Kikimora but she didn't so I had to think of another way. Now I can get you out of here but if you don't do as your told I will have to kill you," she informed.

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