Happily Ever After (EDITED)

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"You useless bitch!" Her father screamed as Stella was crying and hiding in her room.

"Asher, I'm sorry! I have a side job to heal, you know!" She informed as he broke a plate.

Stella had heard fights like that all the time, and she was only ten, so she couldn't do anything about this. They also lived in the middle of nowhere, so one heard them fighting. On days like this, she was terrified that he would kill her mom. He had threatened her often, even Stella, if she wasn't good. She had no idea why her father changed so much over the years and often blamed herself for it. How could she not?

"Forget about the business you're running for ten seconds and think about me and my needs! I said I wanted sex after lunch, and you deny me!" He screamed.

"Do you think I want another child with you? You are abusive to my daughter and me! What happened to you? You used to be the love of my life! Keep this up, and I am leaving you!" She yelled back.

"She is my daughter, and I can do whatever the hell I want to either of you! I own you! Do you think anyone could love a witch like you?! That animal in that room doesn't even look like me! You cheated on me and had his child! I'm going to make sure that if you leave me, I will hunt her down and butcher her like a pig!" He yelled.

"I know she looks like me more, and I told you black hair runs in my family. I was lucky enough to have it! I never cheated on you, and I have always been faithful to you! I see you at the whore house all the dame time! I'm leaving with my daughter, and if you try to stop me, I will kill you," She hissed.

"You will get into our room now and do as you told, or I will make Stella sleep outside all night! You will never leave me; the only time you will is when you are dead!" He yelled.

"There is snow on the ground; she will die, and I won't let you touch her! I'm done with your threats, and she deserves better than you; remember that witcher that came by to slay that Bruxa; maybe I will go to him because he treated me like a lady!" She screamed.

"No one will ever love you, only me! Do you think anyone will love Stella? Look at her; she already is getting your figure, and she is ten! I might sell her off to the whore houses. Virgins cost more than non-virgins. I think I will do that; she isn't worth that much anyway; give me a boy, and I will spare her, don't, and I will end the both of you!" He growled.

"I'm the witch here, and I will do whatever it takes to protect my family! I loved you so much, and now I know you were a big mistake!" She yelled as her mother went to her room.

Her father got a knife and stabbed her in the back, and killed her. He turned her over and stabbed her over and over again. Blood ran under Stella's door, and she started crying harder, knowing her father had finally killed her out of anger.

"Stella, come on out of there," her father demanded in a cold tone.

She didn't want to and held her legs to her chest as if she was going to be next. Her heart was broken, realizing she was never going to be safe again. She tried so hard to make him happy, and it didn't work. If only she were a boy or looked like him more, then maybe her mother would have been spared.

"Get out of the room now before I kill you!" He screamed as she got up slowly and opened the door and screamed seeing her dead.

"You know there are monsters like me, and some are worse. I had to kill her, you know. She was worthless, and you know what, so are you. I think I know exactly what I am going to do with you," he smiled as he touched her face with his bloody hand, and she cried as he smiled at her brightly.

"People will never love you, love does not exist, and you will die alone. I will make sure you know what real pain feels like," he smiled.

Geralt, Jaskier, and Stella were hired to keep a wedding safe. They had been working together for about a month and made a great team. With the extra person, they were bringing in almost three times more coin than just Geralt alone. But Geralt could see that this wedding was rubbing Stella's way but never asked her why. He just assumed it was because she was not very fond of men,    and being at a wedding where there was going to be a lot of added annoyancehy, and he took the job. It was flattering, eaten by giant ants; he wanted a break from hunting the big evil monsters. Lord Jan and his bride Rose were getting married in three hours today, and there were more people than the Lord said there would be, making their job harder. The mansion was decorated beautifully with light pinks and white colors. Fancy meals were laid out on the large tables along with fancy forks, and everything else you could think of was there. There were over three hundred guests there, and the entire time, Stella looked angry to be there, so Jaskier was going to ease her pain a bit and maybe score alone time with her.

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