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Geralt stayed on top of her for hours fighting off her urges. It becoming more and more of a challenge because she was in pain. He kept talking to her about anything and everything to help her but it wasn't working. Her body was craving to be touched and he couldn't do it no matter how hard it was to watch. Her wrists were bleeding and brushed. But so was the rest of her most likely from fighting like hell.

Jaskier gaged her mouth so she would stop screaming and she bit him and almost drew blood. Jade said she wouldn't remember anything she said or even did and Geralt was more then happy about that. Before the gage Geralt kissed her to get her to stop screaming but that increased her strength enough that it broke the the rope that was around both wrists under the chains that was tied to the bed. She managed to pull him deeper into the kiss. She even broke her legs free and made him roll off the bed. Geralt didn't want to hurt her but when she didn't know her own strength and was trying to get some relief from the pain she was in it was hard. Jaskier had to come in and wrestle her off but she quickly turned the tables and try to go after him. Needless to say that didn't work either and she grew increasingly angrier.

He was trying very hard to keep his emotions contained but she was doing things to him that he wanted to do to her for a while. But she couldn't love him back, not yet anyway. Maybe not ever. Her body was soft to the touch and he wanted to show her what real love was not lust but love. But those pink eyes weren't hers, not the green ones he fell in love with anyway. When she was finally asleep Geralt carefully took the gage out and covered her up with a blanket. He got a bowl of water and a cloth. He dunked the cloth in the water and squeezed it tightly. He folded it up and put it on Stella's forehead since now she was running a low fever from fighting it for so long. He was going to stay up all night just incase she did try anything when she woke up but he didn't actually trust himself anymore. She was pushing his buttons and he knew the thoughts he had of her were wrong he just couldn't help it. He sat next to Stella and had an ale in his hand hoping to drown the thoughts he had of her.

It was dark out and she had been fighting it almost twelve hours without sleeping maybe longer. He was drained emotionally and physically but nothing was going to fix this. He wished he murdered her father as soon as he heard his voice but didn't. He got taken down before he could get to him. Due to his weakness Stella was suffering and he wished he could take it away. If she slept until she the potion wore off but he highly doubted that.

"Need to take a break?" Jaskier asked as he looked pale.

"No, you look like horse shit," he answered.

"Thanks, nicest thing you ever said to me. I cut off a man's balls today, I never done anything so violent in my life and every time I think about it, it makes me just ill," he informed.

"That was not a man, a monster, he needed to be put in his place. He got over half of the women pregnant and they are going to have to explain to them one day that they have thirty half brothers and sisters," he informed.

"Thirty?! Would Stella still be the oldest?" He asked.

"Yes, he started his rain of terror four years ago almost five," he informed.

"How did this even happen? I mean why do something like this?" He asked.

"It's what monsters do, they don't need to make sense to others they just need to make things make sense to themselves. But that is why we were here, we stopped a monster," he answered.

"Yeah we did, for once I can actually say we. We should go to a whore house to celebrate when we go to another town as far away from this one as possible," Jaskier smiled.

"Are you actually to old to..." Geralt glared at Jaskier as he was about to finish his question.

"Why must you ask such horse shit questions?" He asked.

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