The Bruxa

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"So how long have you known that beautiful girl Geralt?" Nivellen asked.

"Almost three months," he answered as Jaskier sighed.

"Wow you move fast Geralt, I thought you didn't need anyone and you are with a friend and a woman," he chuckled.

"Stella can fight like a man, she also know how to cut off a man's balls if you mess with her. I would tread lightly around her," Geralt informed.

"Did she do that to you?" He asked a little afraid.

"No, she has done that to several men though," he informed.

"Where is Stella? She doesn't take this long to get ready," Jaskier said as he was going to get up and check on her.

"I told her to take her time, she will be done when she is ready. She might have even gotten lost," Geralt said knowing her she might be looking for what ever was watching her.

"Lost, me? I never get lost," she informed as nivellen stood up seeing how beautiful she she looked.

Geralt was now jealous that he had to go search for a beast that might be gone and she was here with nivellen. But he trusted her fully and she was the type to kill someone for touching her in a way she didn't like. He couldn't wait to get get back to her already even though he wasn't even gone yet. After dinner and some talking mostly Jaskier asking questions. Stella distracted Nivellen and Geralt went back to the town below. He drank his potion making his eyes turn black as night and he searched the whole place to find nothing but two other dead bodies. There wasn't any footprints at all and it must have been due to the heavy snow that came in when they were coming here.

He should know what exactly did this but he couldn't find anything at all. It was gone and he was thankful for that but that meant it could be watching Stella. Did she know something without actually knowing it? Stella had this gut feeling that rivaled his. Her father taught her well and him as well but she seemed better then him. Not that he was complaining but something was just off about it and she couldn't figure out what exactly.

He went back to the house and went to the room that Stella was staying in. She was sleeping peaceful but he was going to disturb her. He took off his shirt and closed the door behind him. He dropped his shirt on the ground and smiled as he got on top of her. The fire place was was roaring and she looked so beautiful sleeping. He kissed her softly on the cheek, holding himself back. She woke up and smiled at him seeing his black eyes. She touched his face and he began to shake as his body was wanting her with every inch of of his being.

"Find anything?" She asked.

"Nothing not even foot prints," he informed.

"So it can fly," she informed.

"Are we really going to discuss the monster or how I'm going to bed you tonight?" He asked as she smiled lovingly at him.

"Even when your like this I love you," she smiled as she touched his face even though it was pale and his eyes weren't yellow right now.

"I don't see how," he informed.

"Because you were never a monster to Geralt, you were a friend when I needed a friend you, you gave me space when I needed it and you waited for me when you didn't have to. Also you don't see me as a trinket you see me as a warrior and as your equal. Not a lot of men would do that for someone like me," she said as she took let his hair down.

"Because you are my equal, I bet you could even find the monster before me," he said as she touched his scars.

"I might be able to but I know you wouldn't be on top of me if you wanted to fight the monster," she smirked.

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