For Fucks Sake!

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Geralt returned after his two days were up in the in, and he was grateful that she was sleeping away still. He returned with her horse and the sword she lost while fighting the creatures so she would have them when she woke up. The mage said she was going to be just fine and that Jaskier made the right call to burn her wound; otherwise, she would have died on the way to the mage.

Geralt was going to stay until the woman in green woke up, but she looked like a troublemaker even when sleeping. She didn't look like an angel or an innocent child but a girl that didn't have a sweet bone in her body. Who was he to presume that she had it rough? He made sure he found her sword and gave it back to her and a knife she had with her. Her horse was a white horse with grey spots, and she seemed annoyed with him. It took him forever to get the stubborn horse to move. She went as far as sitting on the ground to stop him from taking her to her master. Finally, he bribed the horse with a carrot; all the men there did say the woman in green liked her ale; maybe the horse did as well. Geralt was going to try ale next if she didn't move. Geralt had no idea how she even rode that stubborn horse. But it must be like her, very persistent and bullheaded, never taking bribes unless it was essential.

Geralt left to go to another town to see if there was a job to do. No witcher died of natural causes, and they always died by a monster's hand or by people killing them, so Geralt might as well keep going until he dies. Jaskier almost got left behind since he overslept but managed to catch up to the witcher's disapproval. Geralt left hours after the young mage decided he needed to go to bed to rest for a bit; however, the girl in green woke up.

The woman in green got out of bed and noticed that someone had healed her wounds; she decided to get up and leave in hopes she could maybe collect her bounty still, but since she was here, someone had found her and probably already collected it. Better than being those creatures' lunch. Hopefully, the person that saved her was still going to be in the village she came from. Stella got dressed and headed outside to see where she was. Stella paused as she saw footprints near the door and her horse. The man that helped her was large but kind since her horse was there and her sword was where it should be. Then Stella noticed a long white hair on Agata's bridal, and she smiled, knowing how stubborn her horse was with men.

"So a man brought you here; I hope he realized that you come running if I have an ale. I never met a horse as stubborn as you or as strange, but that is why we get along so well," she smiled.

Maybe whoever healed her knew who saved her life. She went back into the mage's house and knocked on the doors until the mage woke up tired.

"Oh, your awake that's amazing! I didn't think you would be awake for another day or so," he explained.

"Do you know who saved my life?" She asked as the Mage gulped a bit.

"A witcher did; he had yellow eyes and white hair," he informed.

"Know which way he went?" She asked.

"He didn't say, but he left maybe two-three hours ago," he said.

"Okay, besides the one an hour north from here, is there another town nearby?" She asked.

"There is; it's a week away from here. Just keep going north; you will find it. Any reason why you want to go after a witcher? I heard he killed over ten Bukavac; he gave me the horns to pay for your treatment," he explained.

"Well, I owe him my life now, so I have to repay him even if he doesn't want it," Stella said, then sighed weakly, knowing she was going to have to follow his tracks which she was good at.

Maybe too good, but either way, Stella was a person that followed the rules, so to speak, plus it was odd that destiny sent her a witcher of all people. Witchers were very few in numbers, but Stella ran into two already while traveling and now the third one. It to weird to be a coincidence, and this one was kind enough to give her back her weapons. Maybe this one will take her along without trying to sleep with her. The other two Stella put in place relatively quickly, but men were men. Stella left and decided to stop by her witch friend for new positions and healing herbs since those got mostly ruined when she was tossed into the cave like a rag doll.

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