Our Love (MA)

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After all the spiders were dead Stella was worn out to the bone and even cleaning out her wounds didn't effect her tired mood. Stella could barely even get up on Agata who seemed so happy to see her alive and Geralt made sure to hug Stella tightly after all was said and done. Agata licked her face as she got on Roach, Stella wrapped her arms around Geralt's waist and snuggled into him to get comfortable. Jaskier was going to ride Agata to the town and since Agata didn't really need any guiding so all he had to do was hold on to her. Stella was telling Marek about everything they did all the way up until she was almost to tired to talk. Stella was leaning fully on Geralt and he didn't mind it. Having her back was amazing. Yennefer was actually starting to understand why he liked her so much. She still wasn't happy about it and neither was Marek who was glaring at Geralt once in a while.

"I never seen anyone run fast, if it wasn't for Jaskier sleeping with that married woman and getting caught we wouldn't have been able to kill that giant centipede! He saved the whole town by distracting it unintentionally. Wearing nothing but that bed sheet," Stella laughed tiredly.

"Stella! I said I never wanted to speak of that again!" Jaskier said laughing in embarrassment.

"You did great work someone had to notice it," she said as tiredly.

After a couple of minutes she fell asleep and he could feel her grip weaken around his waist. He was happy that she was alive. Just one more minute and she would have died. He was so grateful for her and the feeling of loss was no longer there. He was happy that annoying bard was there to and he even smiled at him when he looked at him to let him know he was happy he was alive to.

"I want you to part ways with her Geralt," Marek informed after a heavy silence.

"Sounds like a great idea, she seems to have gotten less hurt on her own," yennefer butted in.

"Not going to happen," Geralt answered.

"Before you start fighting over Stella, your daughter is amazing and Geralt would literally do anything to help her, so would I honestly even if it meant she hated me for the rest of her life. Geralt had plenty of chances to hurt her and never did that," Jaskier informed.

"I would rather have that bard marry her Geralt. She has been threw enough and I doubt you would sacrifice monster hunting for her. You weren't there for her lowest lows and I was. I know what she needs," Marek put in.

"I was there when her blood father almost raped her. You weren't, or when she killed him, both of us were. Your daughter was forced to drink love potions not one bottle but six and it nearly killed her. I almost did something unspeakable to her so she would stop screaming in pain and stop begging me to end her life! I had to pin her down to a bed for hours seeing her in pain and crying. I don't ever want to see her like that ever again," he informed.

"I don't want her to be with one of us witchers Geralt. Our lived are not suitable for her alright. I want her to have children, a real family not one that is just bits and pieces of others. She almost died Geralt, she already lost one child at a very young age and I want to give her a chance to have another one with a man that she can rely on. Not one that might die at any moment due to hate or fear or by a monster attack," he explained.

"You adopted Stella, we can do that to. Jaskier is basically her child as well, she defends him like how any mother would," he stated.

"Hey!" Jaskier protested.

"It's true Jaskier leave it," Geralt almost growled.

Yennefer sighed as she was going to get into this. She didn't want to but she guessed it was true that a witcher could stop being a witcher and change. Seeing Stella fight next to the two people she trusted the most even though she was hurt made her realize how important they were to her.

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