Greedy Dragon

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Jaskier woke up and checked Stella's room and didn't see anyone in there, little did he know they were on the floor still and it was noon. Marek was waiting for them to wake up and sitting in the bar when Jaskier sat next to him and ordered an ale.

"Have you seen Geralt and Stella?" He asked as Marek snorted.

"Checked the floor? They were going at it like rabbits last night. She would have fucked you to death bard," he said as Jaskier nearly spat out his drink.

"Uh no..." he answered as Marek nodded.

"Probably for the best, if she was fucking am ordinary man she would be bringing a child into the world sometime during the summer, more like August," he sighed.

"She really loves him," Jaskier informed.

"Oh I know, I'm surprised they are still sleeping and the bed is not broken. I wish she chose someone that could giver her children. She really wanted those and chose a man that wouldn't fuck her like a raging animal," he huffed as Jaskier wished to change the subject.

Stella woke up first but started to kiss Geralts jaw line as he slept. Geralt woke up and saw her mischievous smile and he new what she wanted. He smiled a bit as he played with her long black hair. His yellow eyes locked on her hungry green eyes and he smirked as he got closer to her.

"Hungry for more?" He asked.

"More like as greedy as a dragon with gold. But yes that as well," she smiled.

"You know it's already noon, we need to take baths and maybe hit the trail. I made a deal with that witch to get you back and Jaskier," he sighed.

"I think they can wait a bit longer for us," she smiled as she got on top of him.

Geralt smiled and started kissing her as she started grinding on him.

"You know you would be bareing my child at the rate we are going," he informed as stopped for a second making him give her a low growl response.

"I told you I am a very greedy woman when it comes to you. I don't like sharing anything that's mine," she smiled as she pinned him to the ground with his arms above his head.

"I do like greedy women, but you know I'm the one who likes to be on top," he said softly with an evil grin.

"Then fight me witcher if I remember correctly you were the bottom for half the time we were making love and I was also on top of you when i saved your life from the four Bruxa in that buding," she informed.

"But then I rolled on top of you, like I am going to if you don't start fucking me again," he growled.

"Look at the poor helpless witcher in need of a good fucking, this makes eight times right?" She asked.

"Nine," he corrected as he rolled so he was on top of her.

"I am never sleeping next to them again!" Yennefer informed as she walked in looking like shit.

"Join the party bitch," Marek muttered.

"I was across for them, I didn't hear a thing," he informed.

"Then you have lost your hearing I'm sure the entire in heard them maybe this town," Yennefer muttered.

"I'm going to see if they are awake," Jaskier said as he went to there room and opened the door.

Jaskier froze as he looked over the side of the bed to see them going at it once again, he was beyond shocked. He was about to say something when Geralt stopped for a second to catch his breath.

"Jaskier get the fuck out of here we are busy!" Geralt yelled.

"Sorry!" He yelled as he left and closed the door.

Geralt looked down at her and she she smirked.

"I'm not going to be done with you for a very long time and they are going to have to wait," she smiled.

After Jaskier left Stella was screaming Geralts name and Jaskier sighed in disbelief. Jaskier sat next to Stella's father and Yennefer who was annoyed by them.

"Good fucking hell!" Marek growled.

"Are you sure she is human?" Yennefer asked.

"Well I thought she was," he stated.

They got dressed and Geralt kissed her lovingly as she put on her cloths that weren't ripped to shreds.

"We are going to need baths before we leave," he smiled.

"If we take a bath together we will get done twice as fast," she smiled.

"I don't think so, I think you will get horny again," he smiled.

"I don't know I may have had enough sex until the next town we go to," she smiled.

"I hope not, do you think I'm going to leave you without it in the woods?" He asked.

"Stop talking like that, I might jump on you again," she smirked.

"I wouldn't mind that," he smiled.

They kissed again and he smiled at her brightly. He had such a beautiful smile and she wished he would smile more but she was happy it was at her though. They left the room and the three people they came with looked at them annoyed, shocked and angry. Geralt didn't really care though, he loved this beautiful woman and was happy to giver her everything.

"Geralt we need to talk!" Marek informed as Stella looked at him a bit worried.

"First, I would like to say the deal is off. If there is no cure for me then I will have to except that. Also I don't want you two fucking the whole way there and back!" Yennefer muttered.

"Can I leave this makes me uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. Actually I will just sing a song," he said as Stella smiled.

"Geralt I'm going back home to the pack I will hopefully see you both there, I will wait for you both in the town that's near it before going home. I want my arrival to be a surprise," he said as Geralt nodded.

"Also stop fucking my daughter like a wild animal! She isn't a toy!" He growled.

"Actually father I may have pushed Geralt off the bed last night," she smiled.

Geralt didn't say a word as he looked at her shocked he pointed to her and she nodded.

"Sorry Geralt, Stella be easy with him. He may be a witcher but even witchers break," he warned.

Geralt was trying to hold back a chuckle as she nodded.

"I don't think I could break this witcher even if I wanted to. He is very resilient, also very head strong," she informed.

"Oh God just stop!" Jaskier informed

Her father left and Yennefer parted ways as well leaving the three there. Stella was sad to see her father go but he was happy there was going to be one more witcher in the brotherhood now. She looked at Geralt who seemed a bit sad to but he was going to hide it from Stella.

"So heading home are we?" She asked as he nodded.

"Great more witchers with no sense of humor," Jaskier sighed.

"It won't be that bad, plus we can stop along the way. Maybe one or two small jobs but nothing to big. Plus we will have more brothers!" Stella smiled.

"They will be rough with Stella because you are a woman," Geralt informed.

"How do you think I tamed you," she smiled as she left to go to Agata.

"You two seriously need to stop, if you are going be like this all the way there then I will not be happy with it and I will be drinking the whole way there!" Jaskier complained.

"You better buy the ale then," he said as he went to Roach and he sighed.

"It's like deal with teenagers, well two younger versions of me!" He sighed.

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