The Lord Over All

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Stella snuggled into Geralt more before waking up for a second. She groaned then felt Geralt near her body and got up rather quickly. She got a head rush and slowly sat down next to him. She didn't know what to say. She actually slept on Geralt. She could have passed as a dame blanket!

"My God, fuck My life!" She muttered as she felt relived and guilty.

"Stella?" Geralt asked sleepily.

She smiled a bit as she went over to him more and sat closer to him. Geralt woke up and looked over at her. His yellow eyes locked onto her green ones. He smiled a bit and she smiled back shyly.

"Sleep good?" He asked as she nodded.

"Shy all of a sudden?" He asked.

"Well I don't normally sleep with witchers," she informed.

"Next to not with, you were tired and you needed sleep. You drained your powers," he said.

"Sorry I didn't mean to," she said softly.

"I think you did, if you ever need to talk about anything I will always listen," he said as she smiled.

"Thank you, maybe we should get moving we are losing day light," she said with a smile.

"I don't think we are losing it, not where I'm laying," he said as she started to blush a bit.

"Seriously?" She asked with a smile.

"The sun just rose," he informed.

"I think you were flirting with me," she informed.

"If I was I would be dead and I'm still alive," he said as a slight smile appeared on.

"True but I can fix that real quick," she smirked.

Jaskier woke up to the smell of Stella cooking up a rabbit. Geralt was sitting quietly why she was cooking. Geralts hands were covered in blood and he was sharpening his blade. She smiled a bit as Jaskier looked at her.

"We can leave after we eat," Geralt informed.

"We should be careful, rumor has it that there is a lord who owns a town somewhere around here and he isn't really kind to magical creatures," Stella sighed.

"That sounds lovely, so when are we going there?" Jaskier asked.

"If you haven't noticed Geralt is a magical creature by default and I can do magic. You might be able to go but we can't. I rather not get turned into a slave thank you or have Geralt murdered or you for that matter," she said as she seemed a bit worried.

"Whats wrong?" Geralt asked.

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling you know. I wish I could place it but I'm not even close to my home town. Something is just off," she informed

"Then we better hurry," Geralt said as Stella quickly put out the fire and gave the boys there fill and she took hers.

They rode there horses for two days heading north. The bad feeling went away as Geralt and Jaskier were making her laugh with there bickering and Jaskier with his jokes that weren't actually that funny. She played Jaskiers Lute before he went to sleep then she would talk with Geralt until she was tired. She liked talking with him even though he would mostly get back grunts. Sometimes he would give one word answers or actually talk to her.

Stella meant star and and she was definitely as beautiful as one. He loved hearing her talk about the stars or about the creatures in the woods. She had a calming voice and her laughter was music to Geralts ears. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He couldn't fall in love with her, she couldn't love back the way he did. He was friend zoned for the rest of his life. But being with her was worth it also he got to sleep next to her since he was a heater. He never wanted her to feel alone, like a monster, or disgusting for what happened to her. It wasn't her fault and he was going to remind her every day as long as they were together. She fell asleep on him again and he played with her long black hair.

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