The Leshy And The Witch.

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It was January finally and winter was almost over and monster hunting was going to continue. Stella was training but she was gaining weight and couldn't figure out why except maybe the ale so she cut that out completely as soon as she ripped her first pare of pants. Jaskier made fun of her and told Geralt that she was getting fat. He did notice a slight increase in it but maybe due to the muscle she was packing on. She was also always eating something now to and Vesemir was still watching her like a hawk due to how strange she was acting.

After the first of December when her eyes were burning again she didn't have any other symptoms. It was just the one time thankfully. Eskel and Jaskier as well as Geralt were really close and became a small family of sorts. Vesemir threw parties once in a while and they were fun with everyone dancing and celebrating the time they had together.

Today was no different except Stella wasn't feeling all that well. She got sick twice today while training by herself but didn't say anything about it. Geralt was talking to some of the witchers in the hall when a portal opened and Triss came running threw it covered in blood and cuts. Then there was two teenage children, one was holding a two year old then the father came running threw. Yennefer was next and finnaly the a woman with long brown hair with green eyes. Yennefer fell to the ground weakly and couched up blood the brown haired witch fell to her knees and her husband tried to calm help her.

"Triss? Vesemir asked.

"I'm not sure if we were being followed but a witch came after Sarah and tried hurting the children. I never seen her before but she made creatures and there were so many of them.... Yennefer tried to stop her but she couldn't do it. They were trying to get a woman named Stella. Is she here right now?" Triss asked.

Geralt paused as the children hid behind Triss and Vesemir looked at Geralt angerily.

"I knew she was no good," he muttered.

"Vesemir it's not what you think she is after her blood, she has elder blood," Sarah said as she stood up weakly.

"Elder blood? She doesn't have strong powers like an elder would have though," he stated.

"Even if it's a small percentage it's strong. I need to see Stella now," Sarah said.

"I'll get her, Eskel hide the children," Geralt informed.

Stella got sick again and this time Geralt saw it. Geralt knew she was getting sick but couldn't figure out why but now he knew. Her elder blood might be making her sick because it wasn't pure.

"Stella, your friend Sarah is here. She got attacked by a witch that wants your blood. They may have been followed," Geralt informed as she wiped her face.

"Why my blood I don't go after witches," she informed.

"Because you have elder blood, the elder blood in your body might be making you sick. I have noticed a while ago Stella. Why didn't you tell me?" Geralt asked.

"Because I didn't want you to worry or Jaskier or Eskel. Do you think I'm going to die?" She asked.

"Stella no, but if this is the beginning then we can maybe stop it," Geralt informed.

"It's my blood Geralt, you can't just fix stuff like that. So I don't have long since you lied right?" She asked.

Geralt looked down and couldn't look her in the eyes. She was right, if her body was attacking the elder blood she wasn't going to live long. Maybe six months or even less then that. Stella had been a ticking bomb this whole time and he didn't even know it. She was never going to have the family she wanted he was never going to be able to get over loosing her. He didn't love her just for her body but her mind, her heart, and her strength. He loved her laugh and her smile, the way she danced with the whores that Vesemir brought over and how she talked to them like they were good people and how much respect she gave them even though they weren't really that respectable people.

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