The Blood Covered Dream (EDITED)

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In the darkness of night, the stairs made the clouds in the sky have an eerie glow. There were no creatures to speak of, which didn't seem possible with a large forest, but this forest was empty, or so it seemed. Fear started to fill the man's heart a bit, but after taking some breaths, he calmed himself.

This forest was just like every forest he had ever been in. He heard voices around him, but none of them he knew were speaking to him. He started to head deep into the woods and listened to the leave crunch with every step he took. Then he felt pain in his shoulder; it was dull, but it was there, so he touched his shoulder and then looked at his hand. Blood.

But it wasn't red; it was black as a starless night. He went to the river to see he had white hair and his eyes were yellow. He touched his face and heard growling behind him.

"Geralt!" A person screamed

He turned around quickly, seeing a Jaskier dead body lying on the ground while Stella was bleeding out. He went to her, but she backed away as she saw him come closer.

"Get away from me, you monster!" She screamed as he was confused why she was acting like that.


Then he got down to her to make eye contact with her. Then he saw his eyes were black, and so were the veins in his face. He didn't look like himself at all with his monster teeth and the long black nails he had now.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he said softly as he tried going to get closer to her, but she started moving away.

"I said I didn't mean to hurt you," he said more sternly as he was getting angry that she was not forgiving him.

"No, you aren't. I saw what you did to that village!" She yelled as he picked her up by her neck in a rage.


"You didn't believe I was a monster, and now all of a sudden, you say I am?!" He growled as he threw her to the ground.

"What am I doing?! I'm sorry, Stella?" He asked as he went to her side. She was lying on her stomach, so he turned her over.

All of her organs were outside her body, and he was covered head to toe in blood. Her blood is not a monster's blood but an innocent person's blood. He fell to his knees and saw her blood all over his hands. He felt his lips grow warm like he was being set on fire. The blood on his hands started to catch on fire then all of her blood on him began to catch on fire. He screamed, waking him up quickly.

He saw Stella was with him holding his shoulders. Her hair was cascading down her right shoulder. Jaskier was standing by the door, looking terrified as she carefully rubbed his shoulders. She smiled a bit and took a deep breath as he looked at her, a bit confused. Her green eyes locked with his yellow eyes, and he wished he could stare into them all night. He put one hit, his left hand on hers, telling her he was okay even though he couldn't tell her himself.

"You had a nightmare and were saying my name. At first, Jaskier thought you were having a sex dream about me until you were trying to fight something in your sleep. Whatever it was, I tried everything to wake you up, and nothing worked, not even water, so that I may have kissed you. Sorry you wouldn't wake up, and I didn't want you killing people in your sleep," she said with a soft chuckle.

He looked around a bit and then back at her. Dreams were omens, and he was afraid now he was going to be the death of her. She looked concerned as he was looking at her with his yellow eyes. His breathing was evening out, but she had never seen a witcher scared of anything before, so whatever scared him was terrible. He was still holding her hand as well, like he was trying to convince himself that whatever it was wasn't real.

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