Deaths Door

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It had been raining the last two days, and with nowhere to go or a job to get Geralt and his very annoying and cocky companion in toe, Geralt of Rivia road on Roach while Jaskier walked beside him singing.

"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up?" Geralt asked.

"We have been traveling all week! I know a great Ale tavern around here," he said with a smile.

He sighed as he needed a drink and a woman to sleep with to get rid of this annoying prick for a while. He was going to continue until he reached a town. Jaskier continued to talk as they rode into town. The people looked terrified as they saw Geralt riding into town. Most of them cleared the area to make a clear path to an inn that was up the road. The building looked worn out, and it seemed like this place had seen a lot recently. He could smell blood and death as he went to the inn. He got off Roach and tied her up in the stable.

"I don't really like this place, Geralt; it doesn't fit a witcher," he informed us he saw a mouse scurrying away by his feet.

"You just don't like being treated like a normal person," he grumbled as they walked in.

There were no cheerful people to speak of, just sad folk; one man was covered head to toe in blood, drinking ale like his life depended upon it. The man looked up at the witcher and sighed a bit as he put down his ale for the first time since this morning. Geralt paid for a room, and the man got up and walked up to him. Maybe it was out of pure stupidity or anger, but either way, he has enough bloodshed here. After the girl and green went hunting three days ago, there were fewer attacks, but she never returned. The woman had to be dead now, and he lost his brother because of her lack of training.

"Witcher! I may have a job if you are interested?" the man said as Geralt paused.

"Depending on how much your offering to pay," he said as the innkeeper handed him an ale.

"Will this be enough?" The man asked as he handed the witcher a bag filled to the brim with coins.

The man was bald but had a mustache and beard. His clothing was ripped and bloody, and the man looked down at the bar sadly. The witcher looked over at him, and the innkeeper gave him an ale.

"That's an awful lot of coin," he said as the man nodded.

"A month ago, people started getting killed. As the mayor of this place, it was my job to figure out what was causing these deaths. This place used to be so happy and filled with cheer, but thirty people have gotten killed; men, women, and even children. This monster does not care; it just kills and kills. We live close to a lake, and several streams, as you probably noticed. What is killing my people is dangerous, and recently as of last night, my brother was murdered while coming back from fishing. The creature is a Bukavac. A woman was here three days ago and said she could kill it, but she never returned. There isn't just one; there is a bunch of them," he explained.

"That is very unusual; most of the time, there is just one," he stated.

"Last night, I saw four; it ripped my brother apart right before my eyes. I couldn't do anything to save him. Please, I know your kind gets a bad wrap, but I need a monster to kill these monsters; otherwise, we will either die out or move somewhere else, and most are too poor to do so," he explained.

"Consider it done. I take payment after, not before," Geralt said.

"That is what the girl said to; I wonder how many she killed before she died," he sighed.

"Not nearly enough," he said as he looked over to see Jaskier flirting with a whore.

"Stay here, don't do anything stupid," he said as Jaskier looked at him oddly.

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