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Ganyu pov:

My name is ganyu.Today is my first day in the academy.Since my parent got job transfer far away.They make me go to this academy.It a little sad to leave my friend but it okay cus i can make more friends here.

"Is so i thought and here i am in the principal office".

"HUH!! There's no way i be staying with her!!".

"Shit, I'm lost maybe i can ask someone".I look around but there no one here.There seem to be people voice there.Ganyu walked to the voice and see people gathering and some kid getting punch by keqing.

"What going on here!?"ganyu look back and see the principal walking towards the fight to stop them. Some people seem to be running away from the scene.

Ganyu don't know what to do just standing there like a statue.Frozen in time.The principal broke the fight between keqing and some eyes patch kid(keaya)

"Whoever involved in this fight coming with me!"said the principal.Ganyu now unable to run away or make excuse is now getting dragged by the principal to her office.

Now back to real time

"You the one who got yourself in this mess you will be the one cleaning it up"

"BUT, I'm not the one to start the fight it them"

"No excuse,you will be staying with ganyu until your personality fix".

Why are they mentioning me in this im innocent i was just passing by and got caught up in this situation.


"Sigh, sorry about that.So you're the new student your name is ?"


"Ah,right Ganyu my name is Jean the pricipal keqing will be showing you to your dorm and you be staying with her as roommate for awhile.Your uniform will be send to you by 7 tonight. Sorry about just now.

"Ahh,dont worry about that i always got into trouble anyway."well mostly got mixed up into it.

"If you say so but still im sorry,it Saturday you can get your tour around the academy tomorrow."

Wow for the principal to be this nice this keqing kid must have been in a lot of fight.Well that also mean not all people in this academy is bad.

Ganyu take her leave now meeting keqing outside

Keqing get up and start looking at me with a scary eyes."Um–".ganyu trying to say something but got cut of by keqing walking away

"What are waiting for im gonna leave you behind if you don't follow me!"

I running to catch up with keqing that already far away from me

That it for now it my first time writing something like this so sorry if it bad

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now