part 4

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It 6 in the morning.Keqing wake up earlier than usual.She turned around and see Ganyu still sleeping.She don't want to move so she just stare at Ganyu face.

"Her lip is so smooth."

Keqing put her hand on ganyu chin and rub her lip gently.

"I wonder how it feel when i kiss her."

Keqing get closer to ganyu lip but the knock on the door disturb it.


Keqing get up and go to the door to answer it.


"Is this Keqing room?"

"Yea,that me."

"Oh,Mrs.Ei want to see you at 9'oclock in the teacher's room."


"I don't know.Dont ask me im here just to tell you."


The girl walk away.

Ganyu pov:
Oh my goodness,what was that.Did she just tried to kiss me?.I was awake the whole time.I didn't think she would do not that i don't like it.i actually really happy.

"Ganyu,are you awake?"

"Ah,yes im awake.Who was that just now"

"No one.She just told me to come to the teacher's room later".

Did she got into trouble because of what happened yesterday.This got me worry

"You don't have to worry.They just want to talk."


"Giggle'it written all over your face"

Did it really show on my face.

"It still a bit early but do you want to eat now?."

"Sure,what time is it?"

"Almost 7"

"Ok let me dress up first"

Keqing grab my hand and push me down.This make me blush.She so close to me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Dressing up to go eat with you at the cafeteria"

"No,no,no you stay here.You can't go out with that injuries of your.Just wait here i go get the food."

"But it not that big of a deal"

"No but,It might not be a big deal to you but it is to me.I don't want it to get worse."

"Fine,i wait".

"Good girl"

She put her hand on my head and patted me .It feels good even if it is for a short time.She kiss my cheeks and walk out of the room.My heart skip a beat when she did this.

I got up from the bed and go to the bathroom to wash my face.I take a short shower.Keqing won't be back any time soon so i just sit on my bed thinking and daydreaming.

My relationship with keqing just got better.She changed she used to look at me with this judging eye.But now her way of looking at me is more gentle.

It a good thing that she change.

Keqing pov:

The cafeteria doesn't open at this time .I go to the convenience store .I forget to ask waht Ganyu want to eat so i just pick the sandwich and apple juice.Luckily there only a few people.

I pay and walk out of the store.I don't want ganyu to wait long so i rush back.

Keqing arive at the dorm

"Ganyu im back"

"Oh, welcome back"

"I forget to ask what you want to eat so i just pick sandwich.Are you okay with that?"

"Ah,yes im fine with anything"

"Here some apple juice.I see you drink this everyday."

"Thank you,Keqing.It my favorite drink."

(This is just something i make up)

"I have to go see the the teacher at only take awhile will you be fine on your on."

"Yea,it not like im a kid.i be fine on my on."


After we finish eating.I help Ganyu change her bandage.She been hurt badly.It hurt me to think that im the cause she hurt.

"It 8:50 shouldn't you be going now.It take really long time to go from here to the teacher room."

"Ah, you're right.I be late if don't go now"

I grab my jacket and open the door.I stop and ask Ganyu again if she will be okay on her on.

"Like i said i be fine"

I feel relief with her answer.

"Okay,take care"

"You too"

There's barely anyone at this time of the day.I run to the teacher room hopefully I don't bump into someone.


"Come in"


"Do you know the reason why i call you here"

I keep quiet even though i know what it about

"Sigh' Childe has been expelled.He have some broken bone and usually you will get school suspension for three week."

Really childe get expelled.I actually really happy with this.He deserve that.Well i was expecting the suspension part.

"BUT since you were protecting someone.The principal and i has decide to give you a second chance."

This is really shocking.


"That right, though if something like this happened again you will get suspended"

"Thank you Mom"

"Call me Mrs.Ei at school"

"Ah,sorry Mrs.Ei i got to excited"

"It fine,you can go now and don't make anymore trouble."


(Idk why i make Ei as keqing mother)

I left the room at go straight to the dorm.Mom is really nice but if it was Mama i don't think i would survive.They adopt me right after i born so i don't my real parent.I have a brother he really annoying.It a good think scara didn't go here.

The fact that Mom and Mama married is hidden.No one other than the principal know that im their daughter.

Note:Ei is Mom, Yae is Mama and the brother is scaramouche.Once again i don't know why i do this.

While im on my back .i see Mama walking on the hallway what a worst timing.I tried to run away but got caught.

"Where do you think you're going"

"If it about yesterday,im sorry it won't happen again.So please don't get mad"

"No,Im not mad."


"What?.Did you think i don't expect something like this to happen?"

"You really not mad about it"

"Yea,Actually i want to say good job for protecting your friend.Oh, you can go now"


That weird i thought she would be mad.Anyway i should go back now.Ganyu is waiting.

If you notice something weird or a mistake dont mind it.I  lazy to rereading it .Anyway the next chapter will be in 4 or 3 day.

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