part 8

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Keqing pov:

The sport festival will be starting in two week.Everyone is busy preparing for it.I went to Ganyu class to see her since i didn't saw her for the past few days.

I look inside the classroom and search for her but i didn't see Ganyu.Someone just get out of the classroom maybe i can asked him.

"Um, excuse me"


"Have you seen Ganyu?"

"Ganyu?No i don't see her today."

"Oh Thank you"

I searched around for like 30 minutes. I got worries as i still searching for her.I search at the dorm, cafeteria,rooftop even the field.

Someone touch my shoulder..i look around to see who it is.

"What with the scary face?"

" just you"


"I been searching for Ganyu but i can't find her anywhere."

"Aren't you and Ganyu roommate?"

"Yea but she didn't come back for 3 days now"

"Have you search in the library?"


"Yea,She in Cyros right? Then you should be able to find her there since their class are in charge of invitation."

"But when i check out her classroom just now everyone is in there."

"Maybe she goes to the toilet?"

"Not possible,I waited there for 15 minutes she didn't come back"

Wait a minute Ganyu is a hardworking person.She will continue to do the work until it's over.The last time she do that it took me so hard to convince her to stop and go to sleep.She wouldn't do that this time right?.

"Keqing??you there?"

"Hutao follow me"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her.

"Where are we going!?"

"Help me search for Ganyu."

"Wait,what happened? Explain to me.

"I explained it to you on the way there."

We arrive at the library.i open the door it was dark even though it 10 in the morning.I saw a light at the back of the library.

The curtain was close and there paper everywhere.Hutao pull out her little ghost as a light.We walk through the library.

I saw Ganyu sitting on the table doing the paperwork.I grab and yell her name to make her stop.


Ganyu look up to me and smile.

"Don't just smile at me.What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?Im doing the paperwork for the sport festival."

"I know tha–"

"All of this is not due until next week."

"What? Ganyu you're not supposed to do this all on your own"



"Bu–but they say i have to do this on my own!"

"Who is it? Let me crush his face"

"Calm down Keqing"

"Hutao,let me go"

"You should be worry about Ganyu right now"

I only took my eyes of her for a minute and now she continues to do the work.

"Hey...hey stop.Go take a rest."


"No..but go take a rest let me handle this"

I doubted that she going to sleep so i picked her up and carry her on my back.She keep moving around fighting me to let her down .But after a while she fell asleep.

She must be really tired. Just you wait i will figure out who said that to you.

"Did you say something?"

This startled me i completely forget about Hutao.

" nothing.By the way can you help me find out about the person that has been bulling Ganyu".

"Of, course."

"Thank you"

"Oh..Meet me at the rooftop at 5pm"

I wave at hutao as she walk away.

I be leaving it here.Bye have a good day.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now