iii part 2

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Keqing calm down.Her eyes is red from crying too much.I wipe the tears from her face.
She look at me then look away her face is red like tomato.I smile and let a some laugh she so cute.

Meanwhile Yoimiya at the back.
I didn't mean to eyedrop but if i move now they realize that i awake and i might disturb them.My stomach still hurt from that kick.Cursed you childe just wait until i get my revenge.I want Ayaka where is she.

Keqing pov:
This is embarrassing why did i cry.To be showing this side of me to Ganyu is so embarrassing.I want to die someone kill me.She must be I'm a weirdo.
I can't look her in the eyes.
Did she just laugh at me?.
"Why are you laughing"

"Nothing you're just so cute"

"Wha–What are you saying im not cute"

"giggle' But you are."

Face get red

"You cute when you embarrassed too.I like it"

My face is so hot.How can she said something like this so easily.If it was me i would die first before even saying it.

"T–thank you"


This make me startled some girl come into the room breathing heavily.

"Yoimiya!Ganyu!Are you two okay?!"

"Im okay,yoimiya is on the bed.She passed out i think it about time she awake."

I want to give them time to talk so i wait outside.

"I'll wait outside call me if you need anything".

"Okay,Thank you,Keqing"smile

I smiled back then walk away

Ganyu pov:

"Yoimiya,are you awake!?"

"Yea,it just a kick.You don't have to worry too much,Ayaka."

"How can you say that?!I panicked when i heard Childe hurt you two!"

"Luckily Keqing was around so we don't get hurt that bad"



"The teacher give us a day off for a week so rest well. Im going back to my dorm now.I can't really make Keqing wait so long.Bye"


I smile and wave back at them.I walk outside. Keqing carry me on her back since i sprained my leg.I told her that i can walk but she insisted.

We arrive at the dorm a little late.Keqing bought something from the convenience store.This dorm actually outside of the academy  so there many stores around.

After we ate,I helped keqing with her wound.We fell asleep together on her bed.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now