part 12(Sakura)

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Please someone deleted me from this world.

I don't want to write but i can't just leave it hanging so here you go.It kind of weird but enjoy.

It was a sunny day under the sakura tree you will see a figure of a woman standing.

"Nee chan"


"What are you doing?"

"Just looking at this sakura tree"

"Why do you always looking at this tree?"

"Hm..This is where i and my friend use to hangout together."

"Where is that friend now?"

"She at a very faraway place."

"You can't see her anymore??"

"Yea.Human don't live long like a Kitsune but they will also one day died.Every living being will always go back to the earth."


"That's why Keqing, Always appreciate the people you love"

That was the last time i see her..I found out about it short after she died.

The doctor said that her last words for me was 'Keep your head up you a strong girl and forget about me.Im sorry keqing'."

My tears just keep falling.

Why are you apologizing?
Stop apologizing.
Stop..stop.. Don't leave me alone please..

In real time

I borrow Mommy car to go the address she give me.I want to know why she leave.Did i do something to make her mad.

I look around then i spotted Ganyu hair.I got out of the car running to catch her.She was far i shout her name.

When Ganyu see me she ran away.I quickly run to catch her.I grab her hand to stop.

"Why did you run away?"(heavy breathing)

"Go away"

"I won't until you tell me the reason"

"It none of your business"

"Ganyu, please just at least tell me the reason why you leave without telling me."

"I don't want to see you anymore"

Ganyu snatch away her hand from me forcedly.Im not sad nor mad at her.Her face tell me that she lying she look sad.

As we were arguing (arguing? talking?)a tall man approach us.

"Who are you?Why are you with my daughter"

Who is this guy?He so tall did he just say daughter?He and Ganyu Don't look the same at all.

I hesitate to answer him.Before i could say anything Ganyu grab some of my clothe and whisper something.

"Keqing,Go home"


"It for you're on good"

"You still haven't answered my question"

I look at him before i answer.

"Im Keqing"

"Why are you with Ganyu?"

"Im her girlfriend.Im just asking her something."


That hurt my ears.Why is he so shocked.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now