part 20

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Why after i thought I've move on from her.I still can't forget what she have done to me giving me all those sweet word and leaving me for some random guy that look like a horse shit. There also that... Better not to think about that.

I sigh while laying on the floor looking at the cloudy blue sky which reminds me of Ganyu. I wonder what she's doing right now.

Gosh i missed her so much...

I look at my watch it supposed to be last period right now 1 hour is plenty for a nap.


"Keqing~~ where are you darling"this voice that i recognize so well calling for me. So beautiful yet so dangerous.

"Where are you hiding?Come on you better come out before i got you..You been a bad girl today time for your punishment.. ".Her voice change from soft and gentle to a more stern and scary one.My body shivers at her word my heart beating so fast on my chest feeling like it want to get out.

Im doing my best to hide from her but my heart is being too loud.She going to find me that thought scared me.This is not the first thing like this happen surely not the last time.

"There you are~baby did you think you can hide from me?~" she said softly yet i can feel the anger and amusement in her eye. My body shake seeing her in from of me.

I took the opportunity to run passed her towards the door.I ran as fast as I can grabbing the door handle.

I tried to open it but the door was lock.I kick and pull the door but nothing works.I keep trying without realizing that she already behind me.

"Where do you think you're going." She said in anger her face is red. She raised her hand and slapped me hard on the face. It hurt so bad making me fall to the floor.

"A bad girl should be punished~" she said. I know that she having fun torturing me since i can't fight back. I saw her took out her whip from her back. Now im fucked I can't run anywhere trap inside this house with nowhere to run or hide.

She raised the whip in her hand and making it hit me.This happen over and over again I don't know when or what happened after.But i woke up in the hospital.


The sound of the bell wake me up i was breathing heavily because of the dream. I touch my face and felt the dry tear on my face and quickly wipe it.

I should get down before the teacher on patrol get here.I packed my thing quickly went down to the cafeteria hopefully i didn't see 'her'.

There i saw Gnayu and Yoimiya talking to each other. Gnayu see and call for me to sit with them. I sit next to Ganyu while Yoimiya is in front of me.

"Did you see the new girl?" Yoimiya ask excitedly. I just said no to her well I didn't we want to anyway.

"She really pretty though" she said happily. Well ganyu just listen to her rambling about thing.I keep thinking about how to avoid meeting her.

Guess i been thinking to hard since ganyu notice it as well.

"You okay? You look kinda pale are you sick?"she ask her voice is so soft. Knowing that she care for me is making me happy.

"Yea im fine" i smile at her. She didn't believe me but didn't asked more and just smile at me.All my worries immediately disappear when she smile.

She place her hand on top of mine and intertwined our finger. She pull my hand closer to her lips and place a kiss on my knuckles.

I could see her face get redder so i return the favor by giving her one on her cheek. The rest of the day went well just me and ganyu.....and Yoimiya third wheeler.


What exactly happened to keqing?What do you think?

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