part 16

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I been busy (not actually busy just sitting in my chair all day and by the time i realize it been a week)

Ganyu pov:

Class was boring as always.Look like i be alone today.Everyone has something to do today.

Keqing won't be back until night.There no one bullying me anymore so im not that scared.

They stopped bullying me one day who knows what happened but im glad.Keqing didn't say anything about it so i didn't ask her.

There nothing to do.As i was walking in the garden i saw a big Sakura tree it look kinda like a fox.

Seem like it got abandoned such a waste it a beautiful tree too.I want to take a nap here but the weather doesn't look good today.

Well i can just come here another day.Lets go back to the dorm.

In the dorm(im lazy to write it such a hassle)

It started pouring like cat and dog.It good thing i got here fast if not i would be wet.

Looking at the room so quiet and lonely is just like that time. i can't think like this.

Sigh ...i miss keqing should i call her?.But i don't want to disturb her.

As Ganyu looking at keqing contact number she accidentally called keqing.And miraculously ✨Keqing answer it.

"Hello Ganyu?"

"Ah Keqing"

"Did something happen?why did you called me?"

"No,i accidentally touch the call button."


"Well i also because i missed you"

"But we meet this morning?"

"T–that a two different things"

"Haha i be back by 10 tonight.Want something to eat?i could grab you some snacks on my way back.What do you want to eat.?"

"Sakura mochi"

"Sure sure then be  good girl by then~"

"Okay..also are you driving?"

"Yea"(this is dangerous so don't do it for your safety.This is perform by the pro.But seriously don't do it.)

"Oh sorry to distract you"

"No it fine"

"Be careful on the road,bye"

"Bye cutie"

Hehe i can't wait.but im sleepy let get some nap for now.

Keqing :

She arrives at her house.

She been grinning this whole time and look like it caught someone view.

"Could you stop grinning like a stupid?it ruining my mood"

"Why are you here!?"

"What do you mean why?i live here too"

This brat always make me angry.Everytime we meet,we only ended up fighting.

"Why are you grinning in the first place?"

"It none of your business, virgin"

"HA what did you call me just now!?YOU BITC–"

"I only said the truth"

He grabbed my collar.

"You dare said that again you bitch"


As he about to punch me mom grabbed him.Well he pretty short so it easy to lift him.


did he actually bring that up just because i called him virgin?.

Mama interrupt him from continue talking.

"Scara stop"

"Shut up you vixen!"

That so brave of him to call mama vixen.

"Ei... keqing go inside for now."

"Eh..uh okay.Yae don't do it to far"

"Don't worry it only a little bit."

There no helping him now he be dead.Rip

Yea electrocuted scara.(rip scara)

After that mama calm down while that brat is unconscious.

"Umm.. so mom why did you call me here?i wanna go back"

"Why the hurry?it not like you have a girlfriend or something"

"Awkwardly laughing"

"Wait you have one?. Anyway your mama and i been discussing about the parents teacher meeting and this year one of the parent have to show up "


"I was thinking to let you guys choose but it look like it been dicide."

Well mama won't talk to scara for a while so i guess i be going with mama.

"Wait! didn't only parent have to show up?Why the change?"

"Idk it the higher-ups who changed it not me.Well, you just have to come nothing more."

Arg i rather be with ganyu than going there.

"You staying for dinner right?"


The end for part 16.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now