Part 5 (trauma)

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It take longer than I thought too get back.I wonder if Ganyu okay.The door is locked good thing i bring the spare key with me.

I unlock the door and enter the room.I see Ganyu sleeping on the bed.I guess she must have been tired from yesterday.


I walk to Ganyu bed and hear she saying something.
Is she talking in her sleep?.

"No,Stop Don't leave me alone.Im scared.It dark i cannot see anything.Mom where are you?.Mom.No Don't leave"

She having a nightmare.I shake her body to wake her up.She clenching my hand and breathing heavily.I call her name a few times.

"Ganyu,Ganyu wake up!"

"HAAH HAAH"Breathing heavily

"Ganyu are you okay?"



Ganyu hugged me so tightly that it hurt. But I let it alone. She is crying. I hugged her while stroking her hair.

"It's okay now.Im right here i won't leave you alone"


She stop crying i wipe the trace of tear from her face.Ganyu still not letting me go.
I kiss her cheek to calm her down.



Still no response

"I go get you some water"



"Just stay here with me"


"I love you,Keqing so please don't leave me"

"I love you too, sweetheart.I won't leave you"


"Yea,i promise"

I rubbed her back in a circular motion.We stayed at this position for almost an hour until she fall asleep again.She was crying so much that her eyes is red.

I covered her body with a blanket so she wouldn't catch a cold. I put a glass of water on the table next to her bed.She's bleeding the wound from before is reopening again.

I treated the wound. it’s a bit hard to do while trying not to wake Ganyu. After I finished treating her wounds, I lay down next to her.

I look at his face and thinking back to what he said. The trauma is definitely back because of yesterday.Just thinking about what Childe have done too Ganyu is making me so angry.

I let Ganyu sleep. I ponder while looking at her and finally I fell asleep.



"Keqing,are you awake?"

"Mhmm Ah,yes im awake.How long have i been sleeping?"

"It's 7 pm now"

"Ganyu,What do you want to eat for dinner?"

"Anything is fine"

"No,you have to choose something"

"Then,I have Universal Peace"

"Okay,Oh by the way are you okay?".

"What do yo mean?"

" nothing"


"Go wash your face i cook dinner"

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now